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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 25VQ40ATIG support on GQ-4x4

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mac_ha Posted - 10/28/2024 : 23:23:41
Hello, is it possible to read/write to 25VQ40ATIG chip on GQ-4x4 True USB Willem programmer? I don't see this chip on the devices list, but maybe some other chips are compatible? I cannot find the datasheet for 25VQ40ATIG, though, so can not be sure if any of different 25Q40 chips are compatible? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mac_ha Posted - 11/05/2024 : 10:19:12
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by mac_ha
Thank you for the reply, I was also able to find this datasheet:

The question is, would the GQ-4x4 be able to program it? Which device should I select?


The W25Q40EW is a 1.8V part, I've measured in-circuit Vcc of my part as 3.3V. I tried the W25Q40CL, the chip was detected as Exar, but then read failed...

So I've just submitted, via GQ Application, a request to add a new chip. Hopefully it won't be too long?...
anniel Posted - 11/04/2024 : 08:36:31
Originally posted by mac_ha

Would it be similar to this one?

uploaded/anniel/20241029121223Zbit ZB25VQ80 3V 8M-BIT SERIAL NOR FLASH WITH DUAL AND QUAD SPI Preliminary Datasheet.pdf

Thank you for the reply, I was also able to find this datasheet:

The question is, would the GQ-4x4 be able to program it? Which device should I select?

mac_ha Posted - 11/04/2024 : 04:57:33

Would it be similar to this one?

uploaded/anniel/20241029121223Zbit ZB25VQ80 3V 8M-BIT SERIAL NOR FLASH WITH DUAL AND QUAD SPI Preliminary Datasheet.pdf

Thank you for the reply, I was also able to find this datasheet:

The question is, would the GQ-4x4 be able to program it? Which device should I select?
anniel Posted - 10/29/2024 : 11:14:13
Originally posted by mac_ha

Hello, is it possible to read/write to 25VQ40ATIG chip on GQ-4x4 True USB Willem programmer? I don't see this chip on the devices list, but maybe some other chips are compatible? I cannot find the datasheet for 25VQ40ATIG, though, so can not be sure if any of different 25Q40 chips are compatible? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Would it be similar to this one?

uploaded/anniel/20241029121223Zbit ZB25VQ80 3V 8M-BIT SERIAL NOR FLASH WITH DUAL AND QUAD SPI Preliminary Datasheet.pdf

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