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 Problems programming M27C801 OTP chips.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
FTW-G Posted - 05/30/2012 : 19:12:24

I'm having some problems programming some M27C801 OTP (PROM) PLCC32 chips. I'm using a PLCC32 to DIP32 adapter and a GQ-X3. I get the correct ID when I connect the chip to the programmer, but when I go to write it fails pretty quickly and never makes it past 0%. So far I have ruined 2 chips, but I think I found the problem. I checked the Datasheet (you can take a look at it here - and found that the chip requires a 12.7v supply in order to program. I'm sure I can find a 12v power supply, but I don't think the software will take advantage of it. Is there supposed to be something in the config that tells the programmer to use the 12v supply for this chip?

Here is the config for the M27C801.

Name="M27C801",ID="2042",Class="27C080",Category="EPROM",MFG="ST";//by EZo

Could you edit this so that it will use the 12v supply when programming?

Thanks in advance!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 05/31/2012 : 20:01:44
It is 12.7V by default algorithm. So, you do not have to add this.

Try to read a good chip and see if it is a good reading.

Try to program other chips or try to program it on a UV eraseable 27C801 first.

Do not use OPT to try unless you have many.
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 05/30/2012 : 23:47:04
You can add something like VPP= within that config.

If you look at other examples in the devices file, you should find what I mean.

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