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 gq-4x driver issues

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kyle_rg Posted - 01/20/2016 : 17:22:46
I keep having driver issues every time I try to plug the GQ-4X into a new computer. The computer just doesn't recognize the device. Yes I have downloaded the correct software and driver for it before plugging it in.

When you download the USB 2.01 driver for it there are no actual drivers in the download, just some .dll files. I tried to copy the .dll files into my sysWOW64 folder and then tried to register them with regsvr32 but it doesn't work.

I also tried to manually install the driver, but when you try to select a driver from the USB 2.01 driver folder, it doesn't find any drivers in there.

Why don't you guys include an actual driver file in the USB 2.01 driver download?? What am I missing?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 01/11/2019 : 10:01:29
Originally posted by TamiDuke

Hi...Did you try to "right click" the program, and hit: "Run as administrator" ? Also try plugging in the USB cable to the back of the PC not the front also try using the separate power adapter

kyle_rg Posted - 01/21/2016 : 10:39:08
Never mind, just figured it out. You can't just select the folder under "Browse for driver software on my computer", it won't recognize the driver in that folder, you have to select below that "let me pick from a list of drivers on my computer" then select "have disk" then look for the GQwin64.inf file. You get a message saying it's not digitally signed but just install anyways.

Kind of a pain in the... but figured it out, hope this helps someone. I've tried to install this thing on 4 different Windows 7 computers and you have to go through this process every time, the driver never installs by itself.
kyle_rg Posted - 01/21/2016 : 10:26:40
Originally posted by anniel

When you check your driver from device manager. See Reply #6:

No, like I said, this doesn't work. When you select the folder for USB 2.01 you get a message "windows could not find driver software for your device" because the GQ-4X USB 2.01 driver download folder doesn't seem to contain any actual drivers, just some .dll files, what do I do with them?? Why is this? Why not make this simple and include a proper easy to install driver.

Please help, very frustrating!
anniel Posted - 01/21/2016 : 03:39:41
When you check your driver from device manager. See Reply #6:

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