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 ADP-054 fails to write

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evo Posted - 03/26/2018 : 10:08:32

I know there are a couple of threads open on this, but I have a very similar problem and can't seem to fix it. I tried about 20 different M27C160 and one M27C1024. The M27C1024 is known to work and has been in my Neo Geo MVS as BIOS chip. I could successfully read the BIOS, but after erasing the chip, I couldn't write it back. I did some digging and found that it would fail much more frequently on specific values. E.g. 0x02 and 0x04 would almost instantly fail with Buffer=0x02/0x04 Device=0x00. When I fill the buffer with 0xAA, it writes and verifies fine. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to check for issues with the board.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 08/14/2018 : 21:27:09
It is hard to say what is exactly wrong. But those two chips are easy to test.

Read the empty adapter will be all FF in buffer, if it is not, then something wrong. If read all FF, then you can try to ground the data pin of the ZIF one by one, you should get different bit be 0 reading each time. If this does not happen, then the adapter chips may be problem.
scrappysphinx Posted - 08/05/2018 : 11:06:35
As I mentioned I have used the adapter before and it worked fine. I am now struggling to write 1024/2048/4096 chips the 1024 will program but will fail repeatedly during burning but if I keep click write it will eventually finish and verify, 2048 and 4096 both fail immediately after pressing write at 0.2%

I have desoldered the 74HC chips and fitted sockets and put them back in case it was a.bad joint but writing still fails. I thought I'd try swapping them over and see if that helped but writing still fails however I've now noticed reading a pre-written working chip now gives some garbled characters in the output window so maybe one of those chips are faulty? I can get two new replacement chips for about £3 posted in the UK so do you think it would be worth replacing them and trying again before replacing the adapter?
ZLM Posted - 08/05/2018 : 10:31:13
That looks good. NXP always have good response on ADP-054.

Make sure you have placed your chip correctly. In 40 pin ZIF socket and pin one up-left.

Also, make sure the pin contacting are good. Between chip and adapter, as well as between adapter and programmer.

Also try slower speed.

If it still does not work, then you may need to get a new ADP-054.
scrappysphinx Posted - 08/05/2018 : 07:42:15
They are both NXP
ZLM Posted - 08/05/2018 : 07:14:14
Sorry. I need to know the brand. NXP? HLF ?
scrappysphinx Posted - 08/04/2018 : 04:33:00
My Adapter is a ADP-054 and was purchased from data-hardware in the UK.

The two 20 pin chips in the bottom left are both 74HC245N chips.

mcumall Posted - 08/03/2018 : 22:22:44
Can you check what are the two chips part number on the adapter? Those two chips are soldered on the adapter and they should be 20 pin DIP chips.
scrappysphinx Posted - 08/03/2018 : 02:23:47
I also have problems with my adp-054 adapter and the gq-4x4 programmer.

I can read 27c1024/2048/4096 chips but cannot write them. It fails everytime at 0.2%

I updated to the latest usbprg last night as I saw something about 27c4096 but made no difference. I also own a top3000 programmer and can program the chips on there so the chips are definitely good. I have previously written chips using this same gq-4x4 and adapter (I program Amiga kickstart chips and sega cd region free bios chips) but it will not work anymore :(

I can program other chips which do not use the 16bit adapter so I'm 99.9% positive it is the adapter at fault somewhere.
evo Posted - 04/19/2018 : 10:08:10
Thanks, but I have already returned the programmer for a refund, as I have no use for 2 programmers. I hope that you're able to fix the problem for other customers, though.
ZLM Posted - 04/16/2018 : 21:31:35
OK. I think the adapter may have some problem. Contact
evo Posted - 04/05/2018 : 08:43:29
Ok, I can confirm that my chips are definitely working. I bought a Top3000 programmer and have been able to write them and my system recognizes them.
evo Posted - 03/26/2018 : 14:35:24
Of course I can't say for sure that they are not just all broken, but it seems highly unlikely, that they are all broken in exactly the same way. They all write a buffer filled with 0xAA just fine, but 0x02 is instant fail. It seems much more likely to me, that this is a software issue or a problem with the board, especially since I'm not the only one having these problems.
evo Posted - 03/26/2018 : 14:02:25
It's a pretty crappy and cheap eraser with low power. Also, I when I got the chips they were clear and even then didn't program.
anniel Posted - 03/26/2018 : 13:40:00
Originally posted by evo

I tried different lengths, between 30 and >60 minutes. The chips checked clear after erasing.

An EPROM can be damaged by too much UV...
evo Posted - 03/26/2018 : 11:48:07
I tried different lengths, between 30 and >60 minutes. The chips checked clear after erasing.
anniel Posted - 03/26/2018 : 11:30:40
Originally posted by evo


I know there are a couple of threads open on this, but I have a very similar problem and can't seem to fix it. I tried about 20 different M27C160 and one M27C1024. The M27C1024 is known to work and has been in my Neo Geo MVS as BIOS chip. I could successfully read the BIOS, but after erasing the chip, I couldn't write it back. I did some digging and found that it would fail much more frequently on specific values. E.g. 0x02 and 0x04 would almost instantly fail with Buffer=0x02/0x04 Device=0x00. When I fill the buffer with 0xAA, it writes and verifies fine. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to check for issues with the board.


How long did you leave the chip in the eraser?

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