Ok, I'm new to MCUs. I bought myself an enhanced willem programmer, printer port + USB power. I also bought myself a PIC16F628A from digikey.
I've put the chip in, I believe correctly. the U indention (pin 1?) on the chip is closest to the DIP Settings in the ZIF socket. I set all DIP settings as the picture shows in the program for the chip, all OFF.
Now... The program acts the same as if there is a chip in or there is no chip so i can't even decide if it's picking up my chip.
I can click Read Chip and it just displays a bunch of 3FFF in the program and 00 in the Data. If I click Program PIC while it's all 'blank' full of 3FFFs no problem takes say 30seconds to program goes through Program/Data/Config areas etc. however if the data contains anything other than 3FFFs it gives me the error "Error Writing Program Area".
I also click "Blank Test" and it says "Device NOT Blank!" (both in or out)...
I've left the tWP and tWC at default (10uS,13mS respectively) however I have tried to crank them up a little bit as well.
I have tried using this WinPIC800 which also came on a CD with my Willem EEPROM Program.
ahh... yes, I see that, ok I've tested that out and it works now, thanks so much... I don't think it shows or says that anywhere does it?...
Anyways I see those wholes on the far right, there are a lot outside ones and then inside ones (the ones im using) I was wondering if like i could be able to get the values (hi/low) of the pins with out taking it out of the EPROM? I was wondering if those outside ports were mimics of the inside ports but something I can hook into?... if not thats fine it just takes me a good 5min to get a chip into that thing.