I'm helping a friend revive some brunswick boards. I read the d2764a from a working board and verified them to the saved bin. pulled some d2764a's from a different board, erased, wrote, and verified those. Even though they verified when I try to boot the board with these burned chips it doesn't work. with the original rom set the board still works correctly. Any ideas?
I had a recent issue with an Intel 2764A it would read only "FF" data and would not verify. After much trial and error I found out the Toshiba TMM2764A protocol works perfectly !
I had a recent issue with an Intel 2764A it would read only "FF" data and would not verify. After much trial and error I found out the Toshiba TMM2764A protocol works perfectly !
Thank you for the info fusioncliffs. The only difference is WVCC="6.2V".