This is my first time burning an EPROM. I read and saved the program from the old EPROM. When I try to burn the .bin to a HN27C1000G-10 I get the error:
Yes. It passes a blank check. I have since checked the supported device list and it's not in there. I'm not sure what the "G" is in the part number but I guess I bought the wrong EPROMs. Any ideas? Thanks
Sure. I will send it tomorrow to the address listed as the main office. Could I be doIng something wrong? It's my first time burning an EPROM but I do have an electronics background and I think I'm doing it right. Is there anything I can check?
I finally got it working. I was trying 27C1000 and 27C1001 for a device type and it wouldn't return an ID. I tried HN27C101 and it returned 0738. I've burnt several chips now and they work great. Thanks EZoSat for making me check the chip ID. Hey ZLM, you will have one to play with and maybe this chip can be added to the device list on a future software update.