Hello there I recently bought one of your programmer and was very satisfied with it EXCEPT i know nothing about PIC and i am learning I know how to code them in C and i am simulating all my circuits in ISIS (Proteus extension i think...)
I received a complementary chip with my programmer, and so far my codes in C only worked on that chip (12F629)
So i am having a problem coding a 16f877a
I am using mikroC ... Do you recommend a better software BUT that doesn't use ASSEMBLY language because i found it so complex at first :D
If there is anything i should know please let me know I can provide my codes if you want to
Thanks for the reply Yes i can write in C and simulate them in ISIS In the ISIS, when i simulate the hex file with the circuit it works But when i do it in practical it doesn't I am sure of all the connections and the programmer is working fine..
Is there a chance that the chip is burned or malfunctioning ? And would the programmer i bought from you tell me if the chip is burned?