I am using a GQ-4X with a sotc8 clip to read a Fairchild 93c56 chip which is still attached to a pcb.However the reads dont make any sense and are in consistent.most of the bytes are ff or 00 which means they are blank.Do I have to removed this chip from the pcb to get a correct read??Is it possible the pcb(circuit) needs to be powered to read 93c56??
The in circuit connection always be tricky. It is power related old issue. I think you need to remove the chip from PCB. Since you already have a testclip, then you do not need the adapter. you can use testclip as a adapter.
Ok as it turns out the test clip I have some of the pins where thye should meet the chip are uneven preventing me from getting a read any way to fix this??
Most of cases the uneven contacting problem is due to the chip pin is unclean or pin pitch changed during the desoldering process. Make sure your chip pin is clean and the pitch is even. Use a magnify glass to check or use a new chip to confirm the testclip working good.
well I was thinking about slightly filing down the end of the test clip to get better contact with the chip.It seems as the pins from the test clip are uneven since i got the clip it was that way.So Im going to try to file the end down see if that helps.What else could I do??
I received my adapter came in handy.I still have to find a replacement chip at this point.Anyone know what chip replaces a F93c56??what chip can I use??
Ok So I got my replacement chips atmel 528 93c56 chips.I will be using one of these to replace a fairchild 93c56.Is there anything special I need to do to write the dump file form the fairchild 93c56 to the atmel 93c56??Which device should be selected??8bit or 16 bit???
according to the chip its a regu;ar 93c56.When I burn he Fairchild 93c56 dump or .bin file to the atmel 93c56 chip should a at93c56 be selected??or a f93c56???