i was very happy with it since the latest firmware came out i downloaded from the ftp site of the company and try to upload it to tha cam! and here is when my problem starts!
unfortunately something goes wrong and the cam is off since then it only powers on but nothing else! no ip,no nothing! is seems that the firmware failed to installed
the firmware was this type of file (FM_DOZ_V1.0.2.2-20101210.pk2) what kind of file is this?
does any of you have any idea what to do? it seems that the eprom memory needs reflash with a programmer!
i opened the cam and and i saw that it has a S29GL064N90TF104 CHIP from SPANSION
what programmer and adapter need to install the firmware in the chip? also the firmware has an extension *.pk2 can it be installed into the chip from the programmer! thanks
I do not haave knowledge on pk2 file. But|I know that if you want to reflash the flash chip, you need a exact chip image of the firmware, otherwise it will not work.