Sent this note to support but received no reply. I have a GQ-4X and want to dump the contents of a Harris 7641 bipolar PROM (24 pin DIP 512x8, 4K.) Equivalents are Signetics 82S141 and National 74S474. I don't want to burn these PROMs just want to get the contents out of the existing PROMs. Anyone know if this is possible with the 4X or would I need something different to get the data out of these things? TIA!
Thanks for the response. So I assume this is not possible even with an adapter and a unique profile for the chip for read-only? Again thanks in advance for your response.
10 years since OP posed the question and I have the same exact issue. Any movement on this? Is there a way I can add this device to the list or tweak things to get the 4x v4 to read it? Such a similar pinout to 2716 EPROMs it's a shame these haven't found their way in yet. Aside from the Sig 82S141 and Nat'l 74S74, the Harris 7641 also crosses to TI 28S46, Intel 3624, and AMD 27S31. These ROMs were commonplace in Williams arcade machines of the 70s- early 80s.
Hi RobedDude...I'm in the same predicament. Looking to check the decoder chips on a couple williams boards and was hoping I could use the 4x4 to verify if they were good. Count this as a vote to add this chip :)