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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 What is File offset and Device offset do....

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supra Posted - 03/25/2009 : 06:02:31
Using True-USB willem enhaced GQ-3x..s/w ver 3.01.

What is File offset and Device offset do?

There is big question.......

Steps to write the chip.

1. Select chip type from the software.
2. Open a .hex file
3. Place the chip.
4. Click on ID, it should give good ID info.
5. After erase the chip, click Write button. The chip should be write and verified correctly.
6. Click on CFG button and the CFG window should be opened.
7. Click on Write button under CFG Value edit box.
8. Remove the chip and test it in your circuit.

Do i have to verified first question #6(CFG) b4 erase button question 5, then continued to #6?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
supra Posted - 03/25/2009 : 11:03:29
Originally posted by ZLM

You do not need to set the File offset and Device offset value. Keep them to 0.

The above steps are for PIC chips.

Yes. It is the good idea to write down the CFG value as the backup before erase the chip. That because the erase command may eraser the orginal CFG value. Click on the read CFG button to read the original chip CFG value.

However, if you load the code from a hex file, then most of hex code contains the CFG calue. And we should use the CFG value from the hex file.

Thank u very much
ZLM Posted - 03/25/2009 : 10:38:54
You do not need to set the File offset and Device offset value. Keep them to 0.

The above steps are for PIC chips.

Yes. It is the good idea to write down the CFG value as the backup before erase the chip. That because the erase command may eraser the orginal CFG value. Click on the read CFG button to read the original chip CFG value.

However, if you load the code from a hex file, then most of hex code contains the CFG calue. And we should use the CFG value from the hex file.

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