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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)

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RetroRepair Posted - 12/23/2011 : 14:56:39
I'm trying to erase then write to the above IC but I can only read since there is no setting for it nor alternative in the software.

It's a DIP42 16MB Flash EEPROM. The datasheet is here (though for some reason it doesn't meantion the DIP version I have here): h**p://

Is there a way I can write/erase this IC?
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 04/25/2012 : 23:38:48
RetroRepair, We tried but we are unable to added this chip this one. Read only. New adapter needed in order to erase and write the chip. Sorry.
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 04/18/2012 : 02:10:33
Drop me a PM (or email it seems in this forum software??).
RetroRepair Posted - 04/16/2012 : 08:22:59
That's very much appreciated, thanks. If ZLM hasn't got them added yet I'll take you up on that if I can.
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 04/16/2012 : 00:35:29
You are free to send me the chips + data to write to them and I will program them for you.
RetroRepair Posted - 04/14/2012 : 00:32:10
Any progress on this? I could really do with using these chips I have here now.
RetroRepair Posted - 02/19/2012 : 06:11:07
Ok no problem, glad to hear it got to you ok.
ZLM Posted - 02/17/2012 : 22:28:37
chip received. Sorry for the late. will let you know soon.
RetroRepair Posted - 02/17/2012 : 08:30:52
Did you get it? I would have thought so by now?
RetroRepair Posted - 01/24/2012 : 07:26:57
I sent the chip a week or two ago, did you recieve it ok?
ZLM Posted - 12/29/2011 : 09:26:29
This one need a testing chip. Please write to for address.
RetroRepair Posted - 12/27/2011 : 11:06:18
Yes I can, no problem. Or I can do testing for you if you like.
ZLM Posted - 12/27/2011 : 10:19:38
If you can send a testing chip for a while, then it should not be a big problem to add this chip.
RetroRepair Posted - 12/25/2011 : 14:49:48
Oh that's a shame. Do you know if support will be added in the future or if any other programmer will write/erase these? I have loads of them :(

Hope you are having a good Christmas by the way :)
ZLM Posted - 12/25/2011 : 08:37:02
This chip is read compatible with 27C160. So, you can read it as 27C160.

But all others commands are different. You will not be able to write the chip with current software version.
RetroRepair Posted - 12/24/2011 : 00:18:42
I found the correct datasheet for the DIP42 version: h**p://

I am using that adapter and I can read, but not erase or write using any profile.

I have no experience with Flash EEPROMs, can you advise what I should try? It seems like a modified version of the 27C160 layout would work with erase enabled. It reads fine using 27C160.

When I do a device ID check it tells me it's B8FF
ZLM Posted - 12/23/2011 : 19:21:41
I do not have DIP42 pinout informaton. It seems 27C160 series chip. ADP-054 may be the adapter.

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