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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Problems with Brand New GC-4X

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ZerOne Posted - 04/21/2012 : 19:14:08
Hi there,
I have tried sending a support email, but I have not received a reply yet, so I thought I would post here to see if anyone else has had this issue....

I recently purchased and received (a couple of days ago) a GQ-4X programmer,
but I am having problems with the software hanging when it first tries to detect the programmer when it is plugged in.

I believe the USB drivers have been correctly installed (Version, and I am using the latest version of GQUSBprg 6.14C which I have downloaded from the MCUMall Downloads area.

I have read the manual, and it states that the software will take around 5 to 10 seconds when it first attempts to connect to the programmer, however after waiting for (so far I have waited 45minutes, and have tried this around a dozen times waiting around 1 to 2 minutes), I still am not getting a response from the programmer.

The software runs perfectly fine without the programmer connected (In demo mode), however, as soon as the programmer is connected, the software will attempt to connect, and then freeze up....

(I can unfreeze the software by unplugging the programmer)...

I have tested the above using Windows XP SP3 on an Intel Laptop, and Windows 7 64Bit on a 6 Core AMD Desktop (Using the 64Bit USB drivers), and I am getting the exact same results on both operating systems.

I have also tried two different USB connectors, and the device is connected directly to a USB Port (No USB Hub used).
Just to be sure, I have tried different USB ports on the two different P.C.s, and I still have the exact same problem...

The only constant amongst these problems is the GC-4X device, which I cannot confirm or deny is the problem, as I do not have any other GC-4X devices to test with the PCs, OS, software, USB cable, or USB ports.

I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

Here are some screen shots from the Windows XP SP3 Machine, if this helps.

Image Insert:

79.69 KB

And the software freezing

Image Insert:

74.79 KB

Please please help, as I am hanging to obtain some EEPROM dumps for an automotive website.

Kind Regards
Matthew Jones
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 04/27/2012 : 00:09:25
write to for RMA code.
ZerOne Posted - 04/26/2012 : 22:14:14
Thanks for the reply ZLM.
I have tried with a second USB cable, and the problem still persists...

How would I go about obtaining an RMA code (Return and exchange) for the programmer ?
Should I email MCUMall Sales ??

The Programmer was very recently purchased (MCUMall Order# 2007286, Received in Sydney on the 19th of April) if it helps ?

Thanks again for your help ZLM.
Kind regards
ZLM Posted - 04/24/2012 : 21:55:58
That is not a very goos sign. The chip may damaged by ESD.

It seems the programmer lost its communication during initialization.

Try another USB cable to see if makes differnece. If the problem presist, then you may need a RMA code for your return and exchange.

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