I have a problem with programming a AMD AM29F200BB out of a car ECU that need imob removed. I have a GQ-4X with PSOP44-DIP adapter V3 and also PSOP44 solder type. The chip ID will not come up on either of them. When the chip was removed it was covered in Varnish which was giving problems with connection on DIP Adapter. So used soldered type instead still not correct ID but will read and verify. Can someone explain the jumpers when using PSOP44 in GQ-4X please and any other help. I have inc picture.
PSOP44 solder type as on the picture is working just fine. Remove the top left jumper (needed for 28F not 29F) as ZLM suggested and leave top right jumper closed as it is on the picture.
Bad device ID and unsuccessfull erasing/writing you got because of bad joins.... I had same results / problems. Could read the chip but couldn't erase it and program it.