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 I can't program 16f84a

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hsny Posted - 07/20/2007 : 00:36:58
I don't know if my pic 16f84a is programmed or not. I load the hex file with the "load" menu from software.I choose my pic form "type" menu. I press detect but nothing happened.So I press "yes" but I dont understand the configs so ý dont thick none of them.I press "run", it says "achieved" .I press read and I see the same hex file but when I press "readdata" I get the 00 00 00 00... file.
And my circuit doesn't work with my pic.
Do you think I programmed my pic? How can I know? what's the problem?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hsny Posted - 08/07/2007 : 00:18:11
I use a jdm programmer with winpic and program my pic.I still cant program with topwin.I'll try again later.
dangerous Posted - 08/02/2007 : 12:51:40
How are you writing the code? MPASM lets you set and embed the config codes in the Hex file. Then you load the HEX file to TOPWIN.

You could try MikroBasic from Mikroelektronika. Find it in Google.

It is free for code upto 2K (more than a PIC84 full), has a very good forum and lots of example code. Again it produces HEX code.

Always read the datasheet from Microchip, and look at their Appnotes.
They will show you how to set CP bits.

You should be able to erase the PIC using the erase button. If you do, you should then read FF in every slot. Prove that the PIC works by filling the buffer with 00 and program chip. Read should now show 00. Erase and you should read FF again. This should work whatever state the CP bits are in.
hsny Posted - 07/25/2007 : 02:56:41
I don't know how config the fuses?
There are lots of CP...
Which CP I thick ?Normally I dont thick none of them.
I still cant program the pic.
Now it says "verify error" .
and "code not blank"
ZLM Posted - 07/20/2007 : 20:35:14
Check if you turned on the Code Protection bit (CP).

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