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Hugo Posted - 05/26/2005 : 07:57:39
Any one has experience with loading eeprom memory in different location (address)
Any time I loaded hex say for pic16fxx pic16fxxx in Topwin the eeprom memory goes to 4200 instead to 4000
I know the MPLAB compiling the hex to

4200, but all rest of the software for different programmers setting eeprom to 4000 without adjustment.
Any suggestion.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tulufan Posted - 06/17/2005 : 15:48:53
May be +200 is a standard.
Hugo Posted - 05/31/2005 : 03:54:30
I know both are right but still the MPASMWIN (assembler) from Microchip producing HEX with address 4200 for some reason, but in micro the address is 4000 so why TopWin not adjust the address automatically. Jep you saying not all have same address but mostly for PIC family it is used MPASMWIN as compiler which locate the eeprom address about +200 so why?? Microchip or TopWin??
usb Posted - 05/27/2005 : 11:12:31
I think both are not wrong. This is totally defined by the programmer software. As long as the data is not overlaped with the code. And the programmer's software knows where to look at the code and data.

When the software to program the device, it will use data location they defined.

So, different programmer software may have different data start location. Of cause it will be nice if they all use same address for data.
Hugo Posted - 05/26/2005 : 19:10:51
I know TopWin it is right, but for example PICALL/WIN or IC-PROG always burn the eeprom in 4000 and MPLAB from Microchip always compiling the EEPROM in 4200 it’s no problem to edit hex file by the self but why it is that
usb Posted - 05/26/2005 : 18:12:22
The TOPWin is right. Your data is located at address 4200.
one way you can do is load the data to 4200, then save it as .bin file. Then use a binary editor to move those data to 4000 then save and open it by TOPWin.

This may not be a good way, but it may work.

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