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 TOP2048 cannot program AM29LV040B and SST37VF040

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koheric Posted - 06/15/2005 : 20:06:52
Anyone tried to use the TOP2048 with the these 2 PLCC32 memory ICs....I can't get them to work and these 2 are in the supported list....
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
usb Posted - 06/18/2005 : 18:47:38
The read/write command for AM29LV040 and AM29F040 should be same. So, if you can modify the PLCC32 adapter by add two diodes on Vcc pin, then you can try to use AM29F040 to write the AM29LV040.

The two diodes are for make the VCC to 3.3V compatible for AM29LV040.
koheric Posted - 06/17/2005 : 20:01:52
found out that I can use AM29LV002B to program the AM29LV040B, but i cannot access anything more that 2MBits....does anyone know how to hack the top2048.lst file?
koheric Posted - 06/17/2005 : 18:07:09
I tried the AT29LV040, but I can't erase and even write to it...

Check the PLCC adapter, all the pins check out with multimeter. I suspect that I may have a dud programmer.
tulufan Posted - 06/17/2005 : 15:46:11
The AM29LV040 is not in the supported list, but I think it should be compatible with AT29LV040.
For reading, all 29X040 device should work on AM29LV040B. If you can not read the chip at all, then some thing wrong with your adapter or chip.

The 37VF040 is in the supported list, it should be OK for read/write.

It's better to check the adapter any problem since it is a "Simple" socket conversion. Just use a multimeter to make sure there are no open/short soldering on the socket.

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