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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 Issue with Dual Power Willem 29C256

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TGPilot Posted - 12/03/2005 : 14:50:33
Ok...I have talked with the folks at about the issues I am having and nothing seems to help.

I have re-downloaded your 0.97ja software due to me losing the disk that came with the DP burner 2 weeks ago.

Every and any time I try to program my AT29C256 I get "ERROR :Write Sector 0"

I have tried just about everything and this is not resolving the issue.

The jumpers are exactly how they show them in the picture for AT29C256.

When I Erase it says "erase completed by check DQ7"
When I Load it says "Binary File loaded OK"
Then when I Program Chip it immediately says "Error: Write Sector 0"
When I then re-read the chip it says "Chip Read OK"
When I look at the buffer it is full of alternating "FF BF"

When I do "Hardware Test" it says Hardware Present

On the diagram for the proper dip and jumper settings it shows ICSP with an arrow pointing down to JP8. There is nothing on JP8 is that correct?

Help would be greatly appreciated because without this chip my car does not run!

Thanks much in advance!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TGPilot Posted - 12/04/2005 : 14:14:47
Originally posted by mcumall

Yes. It can be replaced. Pls write to for the assistant.

I have just sent an email to

I am willing to order and pay for a new one and then you refund my money for the defective as soon as it returns to your facility.

I would like to request that it be overnighted or shipped ASAP due to my car not running without this chip installed.

Anything we can do to SPEED the process along!

mcumall Posted - 12/04/2005 : 14:06:17
Yes. It can be replaced. Pls write to for the assistant.
TGPilot Posted - 12/04/2005 : 13:47:01
Is there any chance instead of going through the problems of refunds and such...for you guys to do an exchange? This would need to happen quickly though. My car does not run without the chip installed.

What do you need from me to get things started for an exchange?
mcumall Posted - 12/04/2005 : 13:22:56
Sorry for the late reply your thread since the it is the weekend.

All the programmers are sold in comes with the warranty. We will replace the defective programmer once it been identified. We also have the refound policy to our customer.
TGPilot Posted - 12/04/2005 : 12:32:57
I have been through the jumpers, software settings, etc. numerous times over the last two days. I have sent an email to your requesting an immediate refund of money and an RMA to send it back.

It has been determined by the people at that the DP Willem board has a defect.

It would have been nice if this forum could have answered me in half as long a time as the people at willem seeing is how I purchased it from

usb Posted - 12/04/2005 : 11:19:01
See jumper and software setting in thread:

The AT29C256 does not need to be erased, it will overwite the old data.

JP8 is ICSP, no jumpers on it.
TGPilot Posted - 12/03/2005 : 14:56:23
Don't know if this is anything...but the VCC light lights up when I select Program Chip, but the VPP light does not light up.

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