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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 "hardware error: check power & connection" error

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someone Posted - 07/08/2004 : 13:06:07
I just got this willem programmer in and have been unable to intall it properly.
Everything seems to install ok, but when I try to test the hardware in
the eprom program (under help menu) I get a "hardware error: check power & connection" error. I have the power plugged in via the usb port and the three led's are lit. I plugged the unit directly into my printer port to make sure it wasn't a cable problem. I'm running xp on an ibm thinkpad laptop. Is it possible that I have a bad board? What else should I try to get this working?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
busta9876 Posted - 08/10/2006 : 19:52:09
anyone ever figure out how to get Thinkpad laptop to work?
I too have a 570 Thinkpad, thing is it worked fine for a while, then all of the sudden, all lights lit and won't test hardware. The programmer works great on my other computer (tower). that makes it dificult burning chips in the field.

cdcrdm Posted - 03/28/2006 : 11:24:52
hi! we've been reading yours posts and it has been a big help.thank you very much.
Gwilkinson Posted - 03/21/2005 : 16:15:40
Just a quick note to say that I had the exact same problem with my brand new programmer. As it turned out, for some reason it does not like the printer port on my IBM Thinkpad 570E. Swapped over to my main computer and everything worked fine (or at least it did once I renamed the extra copy of io.dll in the winnt directory).

mcumall Posted - 01/22/2005 : 12:48:54
Before you doing any programming, the programmer needs a good communication link to PC.
It seems to me there are some communication problems between your PC and programmer.
You may need follow the following steps to confirm the communication:

1, Connect the programmer and PC via data cable as well as USB cable(for power only).
2, Start the software and then select the Test Hardware menu item under help.

At this stage, you should see the "Hardware present" message at the software's status bar. This message should be showed constantly when you click the "Test Hardware" menu item every time. If not, there may be some problem as followings:
1. the data cable not connecting well.
2. the PC's LPT port problem. This may related to the BIOS setting. To confirm this, you may need change to another PC do a test.
3. the data cable itself has some kind of connection issue.
4. the programmer issue. Eg. some ICs are loosened during the transportation if it's dual power programmer.

Also, the programmer is been tested before shipping. So, most likely the programmer is in a good shape.
mcumall Posted - 07/08/2004 : 13:08:13
Most of this kind problems were caused by cable or port setting. Please check followings:
1. The data cable. The cable must be parallel extension cable, also called printer extension cable. It's a pin to pin female-male type 25 pin connector. Use a multi-meter to confirm this if possible.
2. The PC's printer port BIOS setting. The printer port setting must be ECP and or EPP mode. Otherwise it reports hardware error : check power & connections
3. After software up, the Green and Red LED should be off.

The cable "pin to pin" means on connectors:

male to femal connector:

pin1 ---- pin1,
pin2 ---- pin2,
pin25 ---- pin25

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