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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 Always buffer error PMC flash

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plcc32chip Posted - 02/06/2009 : 01:09:14
i have an enhanced willem programmer, pcb5.0c.i have tried different PM49FL004T plcc32 chips and always return some buffer error.usually when verifying reaches 30%, sometimes at 80%. i tried on several pmc chips from working motherboards and still the same. i tried using external psu,set to 9volts and the same. the chip was correctly identified as pmc.

with other flash like sst(both lpc& fwh),winbond, i never have buffer error.

anyone having related problems on same or different chips and found a solution, please share. thank you.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MyLastWord Posted - 10/11/2011 : 06:01:11
Originally posted by ZLM

Try to adjust R/C delay time.

ZLM. Thanks for reply. I did try to increase the R/C but without success. I did try incease to 100 & to the max also. Do you recommend a specific # or an increment #?
Adjust R/C delay time is too general given a wide range doesn't really help that much. Thanks
ZLM Posted - 10/06/2011 : 09:24:33
Try to adjust R/C delay time.
MyLastWord Posted - 09/30/2011 : 10:01:21
PLC32chip! Did increase the R/C delay time work?
ZLM! I have the same prolem to both PM49FL004T and SST46FL00B chips and increase R/C didn't work for me. It's alway error various address location. My board is PCB5.0e. Both identified correctly, both can be read, erase and program to all 0xFF or 0x00 correctly. It would program any other BIN file.

Any other things to check for? Thanks
plcc32chip Posted - 02/06/2009 : 21:15:10
ok thank you. I will try this.
ZLM Posted - 02/06/2009 : 08:52:34
Try to increase the R/C delay time, see if it helps.

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