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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 Need help copying Eprom with Dual Power Willem

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Sproket Posted - 07/30/2006 : 16:34:32
I have Dual Power Willem using 97ja.
The chip Im trying to copy is a ST m27c256 onto a AT29c256.

I have successfully read the info off of the 27c256 and can pull the bin up into a Hex editor. I also did a verify when I Read the info also.

I have done my homework and the Dips and jumpers are correct for the 29c256. Actually when the chip is written to it writes successfully and is verified OK. When I put chip in car ecu it will not run car.
The m27c256 runs car just fine.

I also am using 9v power to the Willem instead of usb.
I have tried both.
Am I missing something?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 08/01/2006 : 15:17:58
From the data sheet, the 27SF512 should be able to replace the 27C256. But you need set the offset to 8000 when doing programming.

This offset is due to the capacity of 27SF512 is twice of 27C256. Only top of 1/2 content is readable when read it as 27C256.
Sproket Posted - 07/31/2006 : 14:19:06
Now that makes exact sense. Thanks.

So is pin1 for 27sf512 same as pin1 for 27c256?

My honda ecu uses 27c256 right now, wondering what are good or successful eeprom/eprom's to use. Reflashable would be nice.

Thanks for any extra input.
ZLM Posted - 07/31/2006 : 12:32:05
If your At29C256 writes successfully and is verified OK, then your copy is successful.
My previousse post means the AT29C256 may have problem for direct replacement of 27C256. Because the AT29C256's pin 1 is differet to 27C256's pin 1.
Sproket Posted - 07/31/2006 : 11:01:22
Anyone know of a step by step tutorial or how to on copy chip with Dual Power Willem?
Thank you
Sproket Posted - 07/31/2006 : 08:53:25
29c256 in high state when installed in car ecu? or you talking about willem dual programmer?
ZLM Posted - 07/31/2006 : 00:50:01
If you use AT29C256 to replace a 27C256, then you nee to make sure the pin 1 of AT29C256 is in logic hi state(5V) when it is installed in the circuit. Otherwise it does not work.

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