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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 help with standard dual power programmer

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mike Posted - 11/01/2006 : 09:45:57
Hi .. I just recieved a STANDARD DP programmer.. I bought on ebay from MCUmall... I set it up for the 27c32 chip it came with.. and right at first the 74HC04 chip became very hot ,, I quickly turned off everything then restarted everything again the chip didn't get hot... I then tested the programmer by reading several chips.. a 2732,a 27c32.. and a 27c256 ... all of them seemed to read ok.. i am using a SOLO9300 laptop .. and the USB port..
My question is ..could the chip be somehow damaged.. by becomming so hot.. and what tests could I perform.. to determin all is well with the programmer and .. what would have caused the chip to become so hot? ...

Regards.. Mike
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mike Posted - 12/05/2006 : 17:03:50
Last Update...its been well over a month since I first bought the Programmer.. actually almost 6 weeks.. I didn't get to use it once.. Wasted time..finially got the refund today.. I will wait untill a Model comes out that has all the bugs worked out.... The End....

mike Posted - 12/04/2006 : 06:58:47
Update... thought I wouldn't have to wait so long But.......still waiting...

mike Posted - 11/27/2006 : 09:42:28
Thanfor thanks DL .. for the offer.. but it looks like I will not have to wait so long...

DL Posted - 11/23/2006 : 10:57:13
Originally posted by mike

another 18 plus days without a programmer.. with projects waiting

Hi Mike,

If you need EPROMs programmed while you're waiting, I can do it for the cost of postage and whatever you think my time is worth. I'm in Oregon.

I understand that your defective programmers were under warranty, but fixing the dual powered programmer isn't that difficult. It might be worth giving up the warranty to have use of the programmer.

BTW, if you intend to program NMOS EPROMs, only the Willem 4.1 has a good fix for the voltage drop devices drawing over 40-50mA will cause. You can get details at That website is maintained by Willem.

If you're going to be programming EPROMs that have been erased after leaving the factory, you should blank verify at a voltage lower than VCC(min). All Willem programmers, except the enhanced, can be modified to give more VCC options. The Willem 4.1 is the easiest...

mike Posted - 11/23/2006 : 06:11:04
UDATE>>>>> tested for Vpp & Vcc... Vpp=4.94 or lower if you change the jumpers..and Vcc=1.97 or lower if you change the jumpers... was contacted by MCUmall ebay seller.. and was told i would recieve refund when they recievedthe programmer back.. happy happy joy joy!..another 18 plus days without a programmer.. with projects waiting ...

mike Posted - 11/22/2006 : 19:00:34
UPDATE>>> 18 days later.. finially recieved the (NEW?) programmer .. hooked it up ..set it up for a 2764 ... AND the 7805 and the MC34063 converter..gets so hot they burn you... using either a 12v supply or USB... now asking for a refund.. very dissipointed....

mike Posted - 11/14/2006 : 18:41:06
update.. been 10 days... no answer...
mike Posted - 11/04/2006 : 15:43:18
UPDATE... I sent the Programmer back to have it tested.. and to have a NEW one sent back to me if it is found faulty.
I had TWO problems.. the 74HC04 chip got so hot when I first hooked it up it burnt my finger.. and the Regulator gets so hot when I use a 12VOLT adapter it can burn you also... and I couldn't burn the 27C32 it came with using the Called for 12.75v Vpp...
mike Posted - 11/03/2006 : 04:24:33
27C32BQ....... so I assume my chip is fried?... live and learn I guess..
mike Posted - 11/02/2006 : 17:39:13
just found a data sheet on the 27C32 chip .. it says no more than 14 volts on pin 20 of this chip(Vpp) or it will damage the chip?...
mike Posted - 11/02/2006 : 17:16:24
I figured out how set Vpp to 25v.. it seems to have worked..but I can't get it to verify..And the other thing when I use the 12v adapter the regulator gets darn awful hot to burn you if you touch.. should this happen? and I need to use it as I work with mostly 2716,32,64 chips..
mike Posted - 11/02/2006 : 16:53:53
Vpp=12.74 ... I can't see to find a manual for this board.. how do I set the Vpp to 25v?
ZLM Posted - 11/02/2006 : 16:11:09
It seems Vpp incorrect.
Did you set the Vpp to 25V?
Also, please measure the Vpp to see how high you got?
mike Posted - 11/02/2006 : 13:37:17
OK.. I can read any chip.. but I can't write to the 27C32 you sent with the programmer..I have all the settings correct and I used the USB and a 850ma 12 power adapter..seperately.. all I get is a :

ERROR AT 0X000000 CHIP = 0xFF buffer = 0xD3.. and it stops
ZLM Posted - 11/02/2006 : 01:32:09
I do not know what's went wrong on that chip.
Anyway, this chip controls VCC, read, write job. You can test it by read write the chip.

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