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 Problem programming 39SF040

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
patsolt Posted - 11/25/2006 : 22:38:20
I have a good 39SF040 chip from a motherboard that has a good binary image in it. When I put this chip in the board I'm working on, it works perfectly. I have a brand new 39SF040 chip that I would like to program so that it will work in the board too.

I take the chip with the good image and put it in the dual power programmer and read it. It is read, the software says that the chip was read successfully, and the data showing in the buffer looks like what I would expect to be in the chip. I take the brand new chip and put it in the programmer and write to it. It is written and verified and the software says that the write was successful.

When I put this chip in the motherboard, it is definately not working right. The floppy drive starts going crazy, the CD drive sounds horrible, the fans are on at very low power, power on does nothing, etc. There is definately something not right.

When I put the original chip back in the motherboard, everything works perfectly again. When I put the burned chip back in the programmer and read or verify it, the programmer says that everything is fine with it.

I've tried at least 5 different chips, all with the same symptoms. I took one chip that was a good ROM that was working perfectly and I read the data from it, then I erased it and reprogrammed it with the data I had just read from it. When I put it in the motherboard, everything went crazy.

What is going on???? Help!!!

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
patsolt Posted - 11/26/2006 : 18:08:50
Never mind. I found that I didn't set the parallel port to EPP in the BIOS. After I set that, I've made 2 chips so far that work perfect.

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