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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 12V Vpp issue on Enhanced Willem Programmer

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someone Posted - 06/10/2004 : 23:03:02
I have an Enhanced Willem programmer. It didn't seem to work. I tried the Hardware test available in the software, and it shows that the Vpp (pin 1 of the ZIF socket) is not showing the 12V. It is showing only 0.20V?! I'm not sure why this is happenning but it seems as though there is something wrong with the hardware.
What I am doing wrong?
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someone Posted - 06/10/2004 : 23:12:28
thanks you very much for your help, it's seems as though we've solved the problem. I switched to another PC and the voltages are just as you said and the red light is going on when "Vpp" is selected. It looks like it is working alright now.

Thanks again.
mcumall Posted - 06/10/2004 : 23:10:00
Your LPT port setting is correct.

The pin 1 voltage is little bit lower than normal when connected to programmer. But it should not be a big problem if it can drive the Vpp On/Off. This may be because your LPT port is not provide enough DC current when it high. To confirm this, you can change a computer to try it again.
someone Posted - 06/10/2004 : 23:08:06
thank you for your reply,

I checked the BIOS setting and it is set to ECP+EPP (I also tried ECP), I tryed checking the voltage at pin one on the parallel port as you described, I get a voltage of 1.321V when "Vpp" is turned on. The strange thing is when I check the voltage of pin 1 of the parallel port when it is NOT plugged into the Willem I get 4.21V when "Vpp" is turned on. What could be the problem? Why is the reading correct when I unplug the parallel port but very low (1.321V) when it is plugged into the Willem?
mcumall Posted - 06/10/2004 : 23:06:11
Would you please confirm your LPT port setting is ECP or ECP+EPP in BIOS setting. The incorrect printer port setting will cause same problem.

To confirm this, please measure the voltage changing of pin 1 of the printer cable: plug the DB25 connector in the programmer, turn over the board. The pin 1 point located at the usb connector side, the 1'st pin of the longer row of the DB25 connector's pin. Measure the voltage between the pin 1 and connector ground shell, every check and uncheck the "1-Vp"p in the "Test H/W" software page will change the pin 1's voltage around 3-4 volte. And the red and green LED will be On or Off.

If this happens, your BIOS setting is correct.

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