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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 sst 27sf512 Issues

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scott68B Posted - 11/04/2006 : 12:44:57

I've got a dual power and have read through the procedures for the sst 27sf512 chip but I'm still having problems. It seems that I can erase a new chip with nothing on it and can program a new chip successfully. For some reason, I can't erase a chip once it's been programmed the first time. I tested the VPP and got a value of 12.57v. Any hints on what could be wrong?

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Chezedik Posted - 03/08/2007 : 14:02:27
WOW! That would have been nice to know. Why in particular do you feel that it is not up to the job? I just bought another burner (Moates), but I was wondering why you felt it would not work well for this particular chip.
scott68B Posted - 11/06/2006 : 09:51:30
Yes, those jumper settings are what I have been using. I don't believe the willem dual power is up to the task of programming a 27sf512 reliably, it worked great on the at29c256 chips. Think it's time to ditch this burner and move on to something designed to do the job.
ZLM Posted - 11/05/2006 : 19:24:49
Vpp is correct.

erase setting see:

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