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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 Can the Willem V50B read 82S129/74S287 PROMs?

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GTIspirit Posted - 12/23/2011 : 14:40:49
Does anyone know if the Willem EPROM Programmer V50B is capable of reading 82S129/74S287 bi-polar TTL PROM chips? I would think it should, it's just a matter of getting the correct DIP and jumper settings for the chips with pinout as follows:

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I don't need to write new PROM chips, only read the contents of some good chips so I can replicate them on a CAT28C16ALI90, which programs quite nicely with my Willem.
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GTIspirit Posted - 12/25/2011 : 11:24:18
I couldn't wait for a response so I figured out a different way to do this. I built myself a reverse adapter.

I got one of these adapter so I could replace the N82S129 chip on my device with a CAT28C16ALI90 EEPROM. (You can also use a 2716/2732 EPROM if you like.) Excellent part, excellent service, well worth the price." target="_blank">h p://
I figured, if the adapter goes the one way, why not the other way? Would only cost me a little time and materials to try.

So I basically built myself the inverse of this adapter. So it has a DIP 16 socket to plug in the N82S129 and then goes to a DIP 24 socket which I can then plug into the Willem. Select 2732 chip type and voila reads out the contents of an N82S129 like a charm.

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