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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 Read M27C801 reads different each time

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KAK Posted - 03/11/2005 : 18:35:01
Just got my Willem dual power standard programmer.
Trying to read a chip and verify to a file that was used to burn it on another programmer and every time I do a read I get a different checksum. The generated checksum never agrees to the known checksum and there are differences between the saved read file and the file originally used to burn the chip.
LPT1 set to ECP+EPP. dip switch set to EPROM 27c801 as shown on programmer.
What is going wrong here? LED1 on always, LED2 flashing, LED3 intermittent flash otherwise solid during the read. When no chip in socket, LED2 on solid and LED3 flashing.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tulufan Posted - 03/13/2005 : 00:14:19
-Your settings seems correct.
-"During READ, the LED3 is solid green and the LED2 is off." is correct.
-Seems address line A19 is not working correctly. Check you A19 from Test H/W page. After you check the A19 in the Test H/W page, then use a multi-meter to measure the A19 to see if it got the voltage.

KAK Posted - 03/12/2005 : 08:47:47
I switched chips to M27C4001-15F1 and the read works successfully. The checksum matches
my original file, as does the data, that I used to burn the chip on another programmer.
It appears this WILLEM programmer has problems with the 8Mbit chips.
Any solutions out there?
KAK Posted - 03/12/2005 : 07:38:53
OK. I changed computers and am connected to LPT1 which is set to NORMAL in the BIOS.
Now when I plug in the parallel cable and the USB cable the only LED lit is LED1.
I selected device 27C080/801 (PCB3) and set PCB3 on the selection bar.
I set the jumper switch to the setting shown in the software. JP1 and JP2 set to normal.
Removed jumper from JP-2 and put it on JP-1 pins 6-7.
I then do a READ CHIP. I get a different result every read. When comparing the buffer to another file originally used to burn the chip, differences are found and they always start at location 80000 and go to the end fffff.
The chip is M27C801-100.
I've tried various other of these chips and the same result. It never reads the same
even after 5 reads.
I've also tried it with the JP-2 jumper on the bottom 2 pins and no jumpers on JP-1.
During READ, the LED3 is solid green and the LED2 is off.
Any ideas as to what my problem is?

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