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 I can not detect plc 32 chips.

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cyrax Posted - 03/06/2017 : 08:11:17
Hello again.

Some time ago I got a universal adapter for willem PLCC32 / 32 to access plc 32 chips.

Well, I have these chips:
PM49FL004T * PLC32

The two chips are added by default in willem, I have not had to change anything in devices txt.

But it turns out that neither of the two chips detects them, I have proven in all possible ways by placing the chip, and nothing, it detects me several brands and devices, but not the correct one.

What can be due?
With other spi chips if it works.
Could it be the 32/32 plc adapter fault?

I do not know, but I do not know what to do to get caught.
Any way to know if the plc32 / 32 adapter works ok?

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:18:45
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

Yes, ChipQuik makes nice products.

Except their "Chip Quik Alloy". Just done a rework on a board that had a previous tentative rework done by a client with it. At least he was honest about it. Cost him around $350 plus whatever he paid for the magic "alloy" and what his time is worth. Would have cost him something like $150 if had came to me first in place of listening some internet advise.

Moral of the story: Use the right tools and knowledge or let the pros do it.

supervizeur Posted - 06/12/2017 : 08:16:16
Originally posted by anniel

Yes, ChipQuik makes nice products.

Except their "Chip Quik Alloy". Just done a rework on a board that had a previous tentative rework done by a client with it. At least he was honest about it. Cost him around $350 plus whatever he paid for the magic "alloy" and what his time is worth. Would have cost him something like $150 if had came to me first in place of listening some internet advise.

Moral of the story: Use the right tools and knowledge or let the pros do it.
anniel Posted - 04/26/2017 : 10:26:51
Yes, ChipQuik makes nice products.
supervizeur Posted - 04/25/2017 : 12:14:15
The ChipQuik FP-1B30 MicroGripper is excellent and price is good.
anniel Posted - 04/15/2017 : 06:29:01
In fact I have sets of both. I also have cheaper Andromeda Research Labs PPS8 sets and some from MCU Mall for general purpose use.
supervizeur Posted - 04/11/2017 : 18:15:19
Let me guess HP/Agilent/Keysight or Tek?
anniel Posted - 04/01/2017 : 16:20:08
Same here and some precision probe sets.
supervizeur Posted - 04/01/2017 : 12:39:05
Yes, I also have "AP PRODUCTS" and "3M" IC test clips. Some "Ironwood" adapters too.
anniel Posted - 03/31/2017 : 11:51:43
There is other well regarded manufacturers and they have in common not being Chinese!
supervizeur Posted - 03/31/2017 : 10:37:24
+1 for Pomona!
anniel Posted - 03/10/2017 : 14:36:33
Yes, common jumpers.
Pomona are not the same quality as Chinese copies, hence the price.
cyrax Posted - 03/10/2017 : 14:27:45
And these pomona connect with willem with some cables I suppose?
I do not have the slightest idea how they work, I do not know that it takes more or nothing.
At the moment I'm not going to buy it, too much money.

I will continue to test willem and learn.

When I clarify more with this, I will ask my doubts.

Thank you very much.
anniel Posted - 03/08/2017 : 04:30:15
Those are complete sets.

anniel Posted - 03/07/2017 : 16:15:49
Yes the 28 pins clip is missing. Yes you can access and modify any programmable chips on a motherboard with your programmer.
cyrax Posted - 03/07/2017 : 09:57:04
I have seen a set of pieces:

But I do not see how they work, and if more pieces are needed, better not buy it.

It is possible to access with willem all the chips of a motherboard? For example the chip lan, or the audio chip, chipset, etc ... to reprogram them with willem ??

I do not know where to find a place to explain this, if it is possible to do so.
I have an old motherboard, an av8 vm be asus, which has a backdoor.
The lan chip, blocked, and I would like to be able to reflaste it with willem if possible, why no program in msdos, or linux to do it.

anniel Posted - 03/07/2017 : 08:46:39
Yes, Pomona 5733 or as a set Pomona 5515A.
cyrax Posted - 03/07/2017 : 06:23:44
Thank you very much for the clarification.

Then I should get the willem adapter.

One question, are there any clips for the 32-pin chips? Ie as the test soice 8 for the spi chips.

anniel Posted - 03/07/2017 : 04:58:11
No, it won't work for your chips, it's for PLCC32 EPROM, EEPROM and Flash.
cyrax Posted - 03/06/2017 : 23:58:15
I think I was wrong choosing my adapter, I bought it very cheaply:

Is not that right?
You could tell me if it works or not, and if it does not, I have to look for the correct one, in which case I would appreciate a link to the exact adapter model.

anniel Posted - 03/06/2017 : 13:02:42
Are the adapter pins and contacts clean? Is your adapter aligned correctly?

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