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Xander Posted - 12/10/2008 : 19:12:45
Hi guys,

I recently bought a dual power Willem Programmer (Standard PCB3B), I also bought a 16bits adapter.

I have two questions:

I purchased a Parallel to USB adapter. Do you think there is a way to make the Willem programmer works with my laptop that way? My laptop doesn't have a parallel port. So far it doesn't seem to work. The VDD LED light up, but the software doesn't seem to communicate with the EPROM programmer.

I also purchased a 16bits adapter. And after playing around a little bit with it, I cannot find how I am supposed to connect it with my Willem board. How does it work? I see connections under the adapter, but there are 36 pins, it cannot connect into the 32 pins connector of the Willem.

Thank you for your time.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Xander Posted - 12/11/2008 : 07:16:35
Thank you for your input ZLM.

You helped me realize that I might not have bought the good EPROM programmer for my needs. I am currently in communication with McuMall to buy a more recent unit.
ZLM Posted - 12/10/2008 : 20:20:31
The USB-Parallel does not work on this programmer.

The V2 16 bit EPROM adapter is for both PCB3B and USB type GQ-4X. So, you need to cut off first two row pins in order to fit in 32 pin ZIF programmer.

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