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 Eprom Burning Problem.....

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BeArDy Posted - 03/23/2009 : 12:31:37
I have been burning EPROMS for over 2 years now using a Willem Programmer.
I am buring 27c256 Eproms.
I havent had any problems before and i have done 100's
Over the last day i keep getting the following Error message.

Error at 0x000000 Chip = 0xFF buffer = 0x02

Can anyone shead any light on the problem.......
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 03/25/2009 : 15:43:12
The programmer is broken and it needs to be repaired.
BeArDy Posted - 03/25/2009 : 13:58:32
Done all that, as said above, i have done 100's of chips mate without any problems until now
ZLM Posted - 03/25/2009 : 00:32:13
It is a Dual Power Willem programmer.

Here are the steps to program yout 27c256:

1. Install software 0.97ja,
2. select 27C256 device from the software
3. set the DIP switch and jumpers according software display.
4. Set the Vpp to 12V,
5. Set the Vcc to 5V.
6. Connect printer cable
7. Connect USB cable or apply 9V DC power adapter.
8. Load the data file from your CD.
9. Place a blank chip on the programmer ZIF socket.
10. Blank check the chip.
11 Click on write button.

BeArDy Posted - 03/24/2009 : 14:19:33
How do i find that out?
It has on the bottom

it looks just like this one (may have a few differances)

ZLM Posted - 03/23/2009 : 23:05:41
What is your programmer model?

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