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 Programming 29lv160

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loady Posted - 09/11/2009 : 11:28:07

I am not a major techie but i know enough to flash stuff, i am here becasue i am trying to follow a guide to flash a brand new chip i bought for an ambit modem (ntl250) the chip is a 29lv160cbtc-90g, as printed on chip from original modem, its the exact same writing on the chip in the modem except mine is a NEW chip, i am following a guide which i have pasted below but i am not having much success, when i ID the chip it shows as manfacture: 0x90 [---]
Device code: 0x04
the chip is MX branded but as i said brand new so i am not sure whether i need to be doing something to the chip prior to loading my firmware on to it, following the guide, erase gets to 100% everytime even though the guide suggest it should crash at around 5 %, this takes a good 5 minutes to do and seems to go well but when i follow guide to check if its erased it says device is not empty everytime, i have also tried going forward and programming it but it is having none of there something i am am not doing doing. please be patient with me as this is all new to me and i am learning about programming chips...your help would be greatly appreciated and i have pasted the guide below which i have tried to follow to the tee.


Now we need to set up the programmer to enable you to program the chip

Firstly you will see a small red block with 4 dip switches, set them up as
follows, 1,2,& 4 is set to off, And No 3 is on.

Now to the long block of 12 settings, 1,4,7,9,11, is off. And 2,3,5,6,8,10,&12 is set on, Now you will have to put jumpers on the vpp
& 29F witch your find by the TSOP adapter, And that’s it now you’re ready
to put the chip in the adapter make sure you put the dot on the chip towards
The No 1, now you can connect up to your pc, make sure the power supply
Is 12v.

Open up your software which has been included in this Tutorial.

Open up the software called Willem 097ja, and the first page will
look like this one.
At the top of the page you will see the tab device, click on that & a drop
down box will appear, at the bottom you will see the tab 29VF/39LF/VF/49LFxxx, once here you need the 29LVx00/8/16 bit, then
click on the 29LV160.

You should have to id the of the chip, you get this by clicking on the tab box with ID In green, click on this and then you should get the id box, if you have done every correctly then you will get a box appear witch looks like this one.

If it don’t you either have not seated the chip down or have bought your William programmer from Jabsplaces which means it’s faulty and like most of his stuff a pile of dog ****!! (try to buy it from MIKEDATA at least you know it will work due to his high quality craftsmanship)

Try cleaning the legs on the if you don’t receive this message, once you see the id box with the chip recognized then click ok, Now put a tick in the box that says Temporary Sector Unprotect, then click on the erase tab witch is under the minimize tab then the chip will be completely wiped, don’t worry if it gets to about 5% and stops, keep repeating a few times click on the tab with the ? on it and then do a blank test to see if the chip is wiped if not keep repeating the last step till it is, it should take about 10 minutes to complete, this will also tell you if there are any errors in the chip, once the chip is 100% erased click on the tab clear buffer that’s this one.

Then click on the file tab in the drop down box you will see LOAD click on this and it will load the image that you took from a fresh modem earlier (ones that hasn’t been flashed with any firmware) unfortunately I can’t post a image bump in this tutorial. Once you have loaded your image click on the program tab that’s the one between the erase & the Willem tab, this will start to write the image this will take about 15 minutes to do, it will verify it, it should take about 10 minutes.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 09/18/2009 : 08:17:25
Try any other DIP chip see if the programmer works. Then you can eliminate the programmer issue.
loady Posted - 09/17/2009 : 09:40:00
Thats the problem, i cant get it to Id properly, whether i put in a brand new chip or a desoldered one i get the same readout and not the correct ID
ZLM Posted - 09/13/2009 : 09:07:16
The data cable is called printer port extension cable. So, the cable should be pin to pin straight through for all 25 pins.

The software should use only 0.97ja. And try to get the chip ID first.
loady Posted - 09/13/2009 : 07:10:13
My programmer came without a parallel cable, i found one lying around which must have been for an old scanner or printer, i cant imagine it being the cable as there is something registering when i use the software, its just bugging me that other things i have flashed before need a null modem i need a null parallel cable ??
loady Posted - 09/13/2009 : 06:14:06
Theres something i am not doing right, i have bought new chips from one supplier and new chips from someone else, i have also desoldered an old chip and tried that, everytime i get the same ID reading where it should state MCTRONIX or what ever it is.......i have reseated the chips more times than i care to mention, i have done it with light on it and with a magnifying glass to no avail.i have tried different versions of software and they all ID the chips the same, one version of the software will let me proceed to the erase chip which gets to 100% but its never empty..all the others wont let me do that.
ZLM Posted - 09/12/2009 : 00:04:14
Not sure what is the red 4 bit DIP switch for. But I think it should be Vpp voltage selection.

Anyway, the ID must be correct in order to do any thing else. If you got correct ID, then it indicated the basic setting and chip contacting are good.

If the ID is not correct, then check all connections, settings, chip orientation, chip contacting etc. The correct ID for this chip should be "C2 49"
loady Posted - 09/11/2009 : 12:07:22

I forgot to mention that my willem is 4.5 with TSOP adaptor on board

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