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 programming 2732 with PCB45

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kazO Posted - 02/24/2010 : 07:59:59
in the software when choosing 2732 I see PCB3 in brackets.
Does that mean I need a different hardware (programmer)/
PCB45 is not down-compatibile?
I tried to read the chip but output doesn't make sense.
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ZLM Posted - 02/27/2010 : 20:51:58
Yes. There is a step up DC/DC convertor on board.
kazO Posted - 02/27/2010 : 10:22:23
Originally posted by ZLM

yes. it should be able to read/write the 2732 on PCB3B and PCB45.

You hav to follow the DIP and jumper settings indicated from the software.
The VPP and VCC jumpers need to be set too.
Use an external power adapter is a good idea.

thanks, I found the proper jumper settings and was able to read it.
One more Q, from what I read some EPROMS need over 20V to burn, PCB external DC input is rated up to 9V, does that mean that the programmer itself 'manufactures' 21V (DC/DC converter)?
ZLM Posted - 02/25/2010 : 23:26:13
yes. it should be able to read/write the 2732 on PCB3B and PCB45.

You hav to follow the DIP and jumper settings indicated from the software.
The VPP and VCC jumpers need to be set too.
Use an external power adapter is a good idea.
kazO Posted - 02/25/2010 : 04:48:33
Originally posted by ZLM

PCB3 in brackets is correct.
check DIP and jumpers. Use external power adapter.

what you're saying is that I should be able to use PCB45 to read/program 2732 chip?, it's just a matter of settings, right?
OK, I had a closer look at the software display template and I see a different board layout, I'm guessing it's PCB3(?), but question still remain, can I do 2732 on PCB45, if yeas how?, has different jumpers, nothing is said about external
ZLM Posted - 02/25/2010 : 00:11:46
PCB3 in brackets is correct.
check DIP and jumpers. Use external power adapter.

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