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 AM29f032B with GQ-4X?

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Ecco Posted - 02/13/2012 : 12:16:52

I have a GQ-4X Programmer and I bought this Adapters.


I can't programm any AM29f032B Flash Chips.
Jumper 1 and Jumper 2 are pined.
Jumper 3, with the Adresses A19, A20 and A21 are not connected (I don't know if I need to adress them)
Jumper 4 is set to 5V
Jumper 5 is set on v1

I have problems to erasing the chips and to programm and verify them.

Erasing just run to 33% (On all Chips)

After I programmed a chip, it allways failed to verify.

I had allrdy tried 4 Chips and allways the same result.

My GQ-4X is plugged with USB Power
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ZLM Posted - 02/15/2012 : 21:20:38
uncheck the id checkbox and see if it works.
Ecco Posted - 02/15/2012 : 15:36:27
With your commandline I getting allways a wrong ID and the programmer refuse to do an action.

But my method works.
ZLM Posted - 02/15/2012 : 10:21:56
Can you try this:

Name="AM29F032B*TSOP40*Test",ID="0141",Class="29F040B",Category="FLASH",MFG="AMD",CodeSize="4194304",VCC="3.6V",WVCC="5V",DIP="100011110101",Adapter="TSOP40B-DIP32(ADP-077 and ADP-082)",Message="Set adapter voltage jumper on 5V";

With this line, the software will set the voltage to 3V when reading and verify, and set the votage to 5V when writting.
Ecco Posted - 02/15/2012 : 04:00:16
Originally posted by Ecco


I finally found The issue. I got my Chips from buyicnow.
I had yesterday searched for other Threads with The 29f032 here in mcumall Forum.
For me this method Works:

Jumper 5 is Set to V2.
Write The Chip with Jumper 3 Set to 5v.
If i Try to read or to verify this chip with The Jumper Set to 5v it fails.

After i wrote The Chip, i had to change Jumper 3 to 3v.
Now i can read an verify The Chip and i getting The correct checksum.

I don't know if this is an issue with The Adapter or The Software.

I will do this evening some additional Tests, but it seem to work wirh this.

Maybe you guys should integrate The Chip and notice this workaround in The Software


This guys have exact The same Problem.

I think it would be a Good Idea to add this am29f032 Chips in to The Software and made a Note for User who getting verification error to change jumper 3 to 3v for verification.

Additional I don't get the correct ID, if I set the Jumper 3 to 3v.
But the Checksum is correct.

So if you have problems, go with this:

Write Flash Chip with 5V.
If you read and verify Chips, change to 3V and ignore the wrong ID.
Ecco Posted - 02/15/2012 : 03:54:31

I finally found The issue. I got my Chips from buyicnow.
I had yesterday searched for other Threads with The 29f032 here in mcumall Forum.
For me this method Works:

Jumper 5 is Set to V2.
Write The Chip with Jumper 3 Set to 5v.
If i Try to read or to verify this chip with The Jumper Set to 5v it fails.

After i wrote The Chip, i had to change Jumper 3 to 3v.
Now i can read an verify The Chip and i getting The correct checksum.

I don't know if this is an issue with The Adapter or The Software.

I will do this evening some additional Tests, but it seem to work wirh this.

Maybe you guys should integrate The Chip and notice this workaround in The Software
ZLM Posted - 02/14/2012 : 23:58:30
You can ID, read and erase the chip. But not the write the chip.

Seems there is a chip compatibility issue.

Where did you get the chip? Brand new chip?
Ecco Posted - 02/14/2012 : 11:10:28

I had looked at my adapter, and it was dirty from soldering. (I haven't made nothing with this, maybe fresh production from mcumall.)

I have cleaned the pins a little with alcohol.

My Jumper 5 is set to v2.

If I try to write on Jumper 5 v1 I get allways this error message during write process. (At the beginning)


I can lower the Speed, but after that I get in the Hex Editor totally different Data.
ZLM Posted - 02/13/2012 : 18:53:08
It seems your chip is erased correctly.

Your chips may only works with V1 jumper.

Try to ignore the verification error.

Read the chip after programming, and see if the checksum is same as the checksume after you load the data from the data file.
Ecco Posted - 02/13/2012 : 14:49:44

I did some test. I changed the Jumper 5 on V2.

After that, I got only a difference in the First Byte !!!!


I will slower the Speed. Right now I had just used +2.
Maybe I will change back to Jumper V1 to test this more.

That is curious. If somebody has an idea, pls reply. =)
Ecco Posted - 02/13/2012 : 14:30:16

If I try to erase the chip, the process go to 33% and the erasing process is finished. After that, the Chip is blank.

I had it checked with the hex editor and it's correct. I get only a bunch of FFFFFFF on the Chip.

I will try different Speed and V1 and V2 on Jumper 5.

I haven't used the Adapter before and get it today as a fresh new one. So I don't know, if there is a problem with the Adapter or my Chips or something other...

But I will test it
ZLM Posted - 02/13/2012 : 13:42:08

The usb power is good enough.

GQ-4X does not need to set A19,~A23 connection.

Jumper 4 is set to 5V

Make sure:
1. you can ID the chip. blank check before write the data. It should be a blank chip.
3. try different speed.
4. try Jumper 5 is set to V1 or V2

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