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 using offsets on the programmer...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jmoliere Posted - 11/17/2006 : 09:28:54
I'm a bit new to eprom programming...
While working with the GQ USB Programmer...
I'm trying to program a 4k bytes chip (or a working space of $1000). When I select the proper device, and change the DIP switch settings on the board, the device displays that I have an 32k byte chip (I see values from 0 to 7FFF) which seems wrong. I overlook this detail and proceed forward.

I'm working on the 6802 microprocessor and inorder to start processing at the correct address, I need to write values to $FFFE and $FFFF. I'm using the ORG directive in my code to place the proper values at $FFFE and $FFFF.

I offset the memory on the device to $F000 (by entering 0F000 in the device offset text field) and get no displacement display in memory so I overlook this detail and write to the chip -- the GQ USB Programmer software crashes.

Instead of offsetting the device, I decided to offset the memory in my code. In the 'File Offset(Hex)' area, I put in -0F000 and tried to write to the programmer and CRASH.

How should I resolve this issue?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jmoliere Posted - 11/20/2006 : 13:09:01
The documentation for the GQ USB Programmer seems to be a bit sparse concerning the area of offsetting memory. Can you direct me to something better than the HELP that comes with the software?

I'd like to make sure I'm properly adhering to the documentation before complaining of a bug -- there are bugs in this software but I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong.

James Moliere

James Moliere
ZLM Posted - 11/19/2006 : 09:58:32
What chip you selected?

The offset value should less than the total size. Here I see the device is 7FFF byte size but your offset is F000. Which is larger than the size. It's a invalid offset value.

Anyway, the software should not crash, even put in wrong value. This will be fixed in next software release.

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