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 Programmer Suggestion Please

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vectorbundle Posted - 06/01/2008 : 07:48:40
for programming 27 series EPROMs (just for GM vechicle computers).

i had a willem but i fried it. i want something simpler, headache-free, USB plug and play RELIABLE programmer. don't want to mess with jumper settings. just plug in chip, read or write. preferably inexpensive :)

i see a lot of universal programmers selling fairly cheap on ebay but when i look into them further (like top2007) people say they are not very reliable.

TIA for any suggestions.

ALSO: if anyone of this forum is interested in burning some 27XXX chips (with a binary i provide) for a modest fee, please contact me. until i get a new programmer i do need some chips burned.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Six_Shooter Posted - 06/03/2008 : 14:39:30
You had a Dual Power programmer, I have one as well, and know exactly what you're talking about. I was starting to gather the few small parts I needed to set up a switch for the jumpers, to make erasing and burning easier, and quicker, when my laptop died.
The new laptop that I bought to replace my dead laptop didn't have an LPT port, so I was on the hunt for a new programmer or way to use my old one.
An LPT adaptor to use my old progernmmer was going to cost me around $100, a programmer was going to cost me about the same and have less to carry with me when I go to tune cars, portability was key for and probably you too. I have enough to carry with me, with adaptors and sensors, etc. I did't need more cables than I already had to carry.

So I decided on a Willems True USB GQ-3x programmer (light pack) It's VERY easy to use, one touch erase, blank check, program and verify, AKA "Batch run". No switches to set, no programming jumpers, just click and do what you need to do. You can download the software and see what it looks like. It looks a little cartoony, and I would have prefered something that looked a little more refined like the DP software. Maybe a later revision of the software will look better. :)

I also looked at a TOP programmer, but was told the software was a bit finicky to use, due to translations used for certain functions, I also looked at the Moates BURN1, but decided for the price the Willems was still the better choice, mostly for the wider selection of supported devices.

Where are you located?

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