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 Pinout - Schematics for TSOP40B-DIP32

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woonkey Posted - 12/15/2023 : 09:30:14
Hello everyone,

Is this forum still alive?? If there is anyone reading this post. Would you happen to have or know where I can obtain a pinout for the TSOP40B Base board adapter? I'm working on building a custom adapter for the AM29F080 EEPROM and dont want to go through the pain of tracing each pin. Thank you!

Geoffrey with a "G"
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 12/16/2023 : 05:59:21
Originally posted by woonkey

Hey Anniel,

I've seen a lot of your posts on this forum. Thank you for your support!

What I really need is the mapping for the TSOP40B base board in order to make my adapter. Would you happen to know what it is?

The chip I'm working with is the AM29F080, which requires that adapter to program. So, if I can get the pin out for that board, I should be able to make my adapter.

Thanks again!

PS - The pinouts I posted were from one of your older posts I referenced earlier.

Pinout on the GQ-4X has not changed.
woonkey Posted - 12/15/2023 : 13:58:04
Hey Anniel,

I've seen a lot of your posts on this forum. Thank you for your support!

What I really need is the mapping for the TSOP40B base board in order to make my adapter. Would you happen to know what it is?

The chip I'm working with is the AM29F080, which requires that adapter to program. So, if I can get the pin out for that board, I should be able to make my adapter.

Thanks again!

PS - The pinouts I posted were from one of your older posts I referenced earlier.
anniel Posted - 12/15/2023 : 13:35:15
Originally posted by woonkey

Does this look right?

You would need to trace it to be certain.
woonkey Posted - 12/15/2023 : 10:46:26
Does this look right?
woonkey Posted - 12/15/2023 : 09:33:13
This seems to be the closest thing I can find:

Can anyone confirm the pin out here?

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