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 ST M27C512-Removing need for hardware key?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sammich Posted - 12/23/2017 : 14:42:06
Hi all,

I just purchased the GQ-4x4 out of need. I own and operate an industrial battery service company. I purchased used chargers that are supposed to allow my shop to change the output voltage and current from the display panel, however, I found out that a hardware key is needed....

The manufacture no longer supports these chargers and the hardware key is not available anymore, and they do not sell replacement Eproms.

I would like to buy blank M27C512s and burn the programming to them with the need for the hardware key removed.

I'm hoping, if I supply the .bin I have from the M27, someone could take a look at it and remove the need for said hardware key and open up the ability to change the chargers output.

I can supply the .bin file, and any pictures someone might need for this.

I also wouldn't mind pitching some $$$ towards the person that helps me with this, as this would be enabling my shop to perform faster and more efficiently.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 09/13/2018 : 04:39:03
Ever succeed?
anniel Posted - 12/24/2017 : 06:21:37
Originally posted by Sammich

Hi all,

I just purchased the GQ-4x4 out of need. I own and operate an industrial battery service company. I purchased used chargers that are supposed to allow my shop to change the output voltage and current from the display panel, however, I found out that a hardware key is needed....

The manufacture no longer supports these chargers and the hardware key is not available anymore, and they do not sell replacement Eproms.

I would like to buy blank M27C512s and burn the programming to them with the need for the hardware key removed.

I'm hoping, if I supply the .bin I have from the M27, someone could take a look at it and remove the need for said hardware key and open up the ability to change the chargers output.

I can supply the .bin file, and any pictures someone might need for this.

I also wouldn't mind pitching some $$$ towards the person that helps me with this, as this would be enabling my shop to perform faster and more efficiently.

Make and model number of the charger could be useful with the bin. Do you have more than one bin dump?
You can contact me in private also if you wish to keep your info out of public view...

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