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 PIC Programmer
 Unable to Program PIC With Enhanced JDM Programmer

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Deac Posted - 11/27/2006 : 23:01:32
I just received my enhanced JDM programmer and I'm trying to program a 16F84A and I receive the error message:

ERROR -> Writting address 0x000003
Written : 0x0070 Read : 0x0000

I'm using winpic800 ver. 3.59
RS-232 straight through cable
Jumper set for 18 pin
I've tried both internal and external (12 volts) Vp
I've verified proper placement of PIC
I selected JDM programmer within winpic 800
com 1 (I do see the red LED flash when it tries to program)

Green power LED is on and the red PRG LED flashes briefly before fault occurs. I've also tried to program a 16F677 and had a similar failure. Anyone have any suggestions on what I should try next? or do I have a bad programmer?
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Cheezum Posted - 08/05/2007 : 21:48:22
For those who had problems with the 16F84: Are you all sure it is the 16F84 and NOT the 16LF84?
The programmers I used all had problems with the 16LF84. I also encountered problems with IC-prog. Programming takes WAY too long. After that I used PicPGM and this prog programmed the 16F877A in no-time. I think IC-Prog (latest version) is still buggy.

I haven't seen support for Low Voltage versions of PIC's. (And I'm too lazy to dive into how it works. Just started using the 16F877A and the 18F4455).

ZLM Posted - 07/10/2007 : 21:52:01
Just tested 16F877 from software WinPIC800 and IC-Prog1.05D:

The software WinPIC800 is working just fine for this chip.
The software IC-Prog1.05D only partially working. Read/verify are wroking. But Write does not work.

So, it seems the IC-Prog1.05D software has bug on this chip.
gypo Posted - 07/04/2007 : 23:02:27
Thanks.... I should have seen the pin names there, frustration set in and I was in auto.....

Some of the software (icprog.exe) does go through the motions of programming even though I haven't got any to recognise the programmer.

The green LED lights when I plug the programmer in and when I tell it to program the red LED lights up for a while, sometimes flashes as it switches between programming the different areas of the pic.

If I have the icprog.exe program set to verify while it programs it fails on the first byte it writes. If I let it go through the whole programming process without verifying, when I read it again it hasn't been written to...

I'll try the other programs again but up till now none have found the programmer.

At the moment I have a brand new never used 16F877 in the programmer.
Using XP Pro and a straight through 9 - 9 pin serial cable.

ZLM Posted - 07/04/2007 : 13:13:37
The pin out is printed just beside the ICSP pin header. However, the voltage only available when the programmer in read/write state. If your software does not detect the programmer, then the voltage is not been turned on.

I'll suggest you to use the software to detect the programmer first. eg. PICPgm

You need to set the port# in software first.
gypo Posted - 07/04/2007 : 12:22:13
I too cant program anything.
Nor can I get any program to detect the programmer!

I have tried loads of brand new chips of different number of pins. I have set the jumpers as required and have tried an external supply but nothing works.

I need the pin out for the ICSP connector so that I can monitor the voltages...

I have used icprog.exe in the past with another programmer and so would like to know what settings are required for the hardware...

Many thanks
ZLM Posted - 05/16/2007 : 19:28:28
Direct plug on the computer case should work.
The Vcc and Vpp are correct.

However, the first step is to let the software detect the programmer and chip. The IC-prog is a good software to write the the chip. But it does not has detection feature.
Use WinPIC800 or PICPgm software for detecting the chip. Once you can detect the programmer or chip, then we can know the which comport is working.

Most of detection problem are caused by wrong comport and poor connection. The programmer is a very simple circuit, so it has less chance to be wrong since it is tested before it beem shipped.
ARTEMIS84 Posted - 05/15/2007 : 22:55:48
I've also just received an enhanced JDM programmer, and I'm also trying to program a 16F84A.

I have the same jumper settings; I'm using IC-Prog 1.05E. IC-Prog has been the only program of the included ones which gave me a red light after pressing read/burn.

The voltages from the ICSP strip read 4.6 and 12.6 respectively for the supply and programming voltage.

Think my problem is, I'm not using a cable at all, just plugging the programmer into the case. If you need a straight through cable, I was hoping this would work. Do you think this is a matter of interference?

Deac, did you get yours working?

ZLM Posted - 11/29/2006 : 23:35:33
All voltage are correct.

Use software WinPIC800 3.58.
Remove the chip.
Go to menu Device->Hardware Test
You should be able to get "Hardware OK." feedback.
Deac Posted - 11/29/2006 : 21:42:32
I'm still not able to get this programmer to work. I tried a different PC and different cable.

I verified proper insertion on the PIC 16f84A and even tried a brand new PIC. Vcc = 4.7 volts and Vpp=12.8 volts on read and write.

I think the programmer is bad. Any way to test the programmer?
ZLM Posted - 11/27/2006 : 23:20:29
Your "RS-232 straight through" cable should be correct one.

The pin 1 of PIC chip should be in the pin 11 of ZIF socket. PIC pin 1 should point to the ZIF handle.

The programmer is tested before it been shipped.

Does it be able to detect the 16F84A chip?

Try it on another desktop computer.

When doing reading, measure the Vcc to Gnd and Vpp to Gnd on the ICSP header. The Vcc should between 4-5V, and the Vpp should be 11-13V.
If those voltage out, either computer or programmer wrong.

Also, change a cable and try. It's just for incase something wrong with the cable.

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