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bobheck Posted - 05/29/2008 : 23:37:26
I just purchased a PRG-034 ICD2.5 USB PIC Development Debugger & Programmer.

Followed directions, did pre-install before plugging.

Plug in ICD2.5 to USB - green light comes on. No popups or install info on XP Pro. No unknown devices in Device Manager, even looking at hidden devices. No device for programmer found in device list. Simply not there.

I have went through the MPUsbClean process twice and started from scratch, even removing Registry entries by hand.

Rebooted countless times.

No dialogs or action when the ICD2.5 programmer is plugged in though - it is like XP does not see it.

I have tried all USB ports both on PC and on Hub. All other USB devices work on those ports.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bobheck Posted - 05/30/2008 : 01:32:19
Ok, I just sent an email to asking for resolution. Since you are the admin of this forum, you may run across it. I would program the chip as you suggested if I had another programmer. I am not trying to be difficult. But, I think the one that I just purchased should work out of the box and it did not. I have now spent $60 and can't do anything. I will see if I get an email back from support. I guess they will have to send me another one since this one seems to be defective. I really wanted to get to programming this weekend but that does not look like it is going to happen. Really bums me out.
bobheck Posted - 05/30/2008 : 00:55:55
Originally posted by ZLM

It seems your ICD2.5 need refresh the firmware of 18F4550 chip.

The 18F4550 may lost data due to the power noise.

The 18F4550 firmware is in the CD named "18F4550_CFG_ProtectEnabled.hex". You need to remove the 18F4550 from the ICD2.5 and reprogram it using another programmer.

I do not have another programmer. I think MCUMall should probably send me a new one, I just opened this one today. I will contact them.
ZLM Posted - 05/30/2008 : 00:47:50
It seems your ICD2.5 need refresh the firmware of 18F4550 chip.

The 18F4550 may lost data due to the power noise.

The 18F4550 firmware is in the CD named "18F4550_CFG_ProtectEnabled.hex". You need to remove the 18F4550 from the ICD2.5 and reprogram it using another programmer.

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