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 Enhanced JDM and PIC 18F458

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Tron666 Posted - 05/10/2010 : 09:23:13

i have a Enhanced JDM and PIC 18F458.
i want to programm it with ICSP.

in winpic800 and Picpgm i found the Pic and the JDM automaticly.

Green led is on.
if i want to write, red led flashes and green led gets darker.
Nothing is written on the pic, Winpic and Picpgm gets errors like adress: 0x0000 written 0xEFA2 read 0x000...

i mesured Vpp an Vcc to Gnd. Vpp is 9.9V, Vcc is around 2V.

in Pic Manual Vcc minimum is 2V.

so what could be the problem?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 05/21/2010 : 17:54:11
I think there are voltage conflict.
Tron666 Posted - 05/15/2010 : 09:56:55
ok i thought so,
but if i supply the chip with my onbord powersupply (7805) and dont connect the Vcc pin of JDM. I dont find the pic!

if i connect all over ICSP i can read, and of course find the chip in programms like winpic800, picpgm etc.
if i now cut vcc from ICSP and power up my 7805 i dont detect the pic and read/write fail.
I have no idea why??

ZLM Posted - 05/15/2010 : 00:22:55
JDM is onlu be able to provide about 10-20mA on VCC. So, do not connect the VCC pin when you doing the ICSP programming. The chip should be powered by your target board all the way.
Tron666 Posted - 05/12/2010 : 04:56:09
i took Winpic800 older and newest version, PICPgm and IC-Prog.
everything the same Vcc is to low, but if i have no circut connected Vcc is 5V and Vpp is 12-13V.

So maybe the load of my circut is to high and pulls down Vcc??


i took a Powersupply 0-15V 0-1A and a Multimeter.

I power up my complete Circuit with 5V (Vcc) and mesured the current it needs. it took 55mA !

i think jdm is not able to support 5V ~60mA?

so is there any solution to supply Vcc from an external power source??

if i took my powersupply for Vcc and Gnd and connect only Vpp Gnd Data and clock to JDM i dont find the pic??

ZLM Posted - 05/11/2010 : 20:05:23
The VCC seems too low.

Try another software and see if anything different. PICPgm or IC-Prog

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