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 PIC Programmer
 PIC Programmer won't work

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mparodi Posted - 12/11/2011 : 14:22:26

A friend and me bought two pic programmers (h**p:// few weeks ago.

I tried to burn a 16F648A PIC and I believe the first time it worked but now it's impossible to burn it again.

I'm using picprog in Linux:


# picprog --burn --slow --input myFile.hex --pic /dev/ttyS0

It returns:


Trying realtime priority 1
Using 10 µs delays.
/dev/ttyS0: id 0x1105: detected pic16f648a version 0x05
Device pic16f648a, program memory: 4096, data memory: 128.
Burning program memory,/dev/ttyS0:0000: programmed=2804, read=0185:unable to verify pic while programming.
Is code protection enabled, or does the chip need to be
erased completely before programming?
Use --erase option to disable code protection.

So I added --erase:


# picprog --erase --burn --slow --input myFile.hex --pic /dev/ttyS0

Here is the output:


Trying realtime priority 1
Using 10 µs delays.
/dev/ttyS0: id 0x1105: detected pic16f648a version 0x05
Device pic16f648a, program memory: 4096, data memory: 128.
Erased and removed code protection.
Burning program memory,/dev/ttyS0:0000: programmed=2804, read=0185:unable to verify pic while programming.
Is code protection enabled, or does the chip need to be
erased completely before programming?
Use --erase option to disable code protection.

The output is the same!

I ignored the error and I tried to use the PIC anyway without success. It seems it still have the old application I burned.

There's one more thing, if I read the PIC and I generate an .hex file from it using:


# picprog --slow --pic /dev/ttyS0 --output current.hex

I get:


...same again and again...

Which doesn't make any sense.

I asked my friend and he's having the same problem with his 16F628A after about 10 burns! What's going on!?

It seems both programmers are broken in the same way. Any way to check what is broken? I only used it once, I can't believe that!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 12/12/2011 : 14:09:46
This is HVP programmer. All chips need to be erased before write any new data.

mparodi Posted - 12/11/2011 : 21:25:08
By the way, I have realized that MAYBE it's happening since the last time I tried to burn something using LVP off. I'm not sure but maybe the problem is that the PIC has to be erasable using HVP now but this programmer only works with LVP.

Can anyone confirm that? What can I do in order to erase it?

Thanks you in advance!


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