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 ZIF socket

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izidor Posted - 02/24/2010 : 11:00:30
First off, hi my name is Izidor and I'm new here.
Recently I bought this programmer And the problem is I don't know how to place a PIC on the socket. Do i put the "head" (if it is called like that) towards the switch or some other direction.
This is my first post so i apologize if I said anything wrong and I'm not from an English speaking country so my English isn't quite good
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chrisadam12 Posted - 09/16/2010 : 03:43:53
ZIF is an acronym for zero insertion force, a concept used in the design of IC sockets, invented to avoid problems caused by applying force upon insertion and extraction.
A normal integrated circuit (IC) socket requires the IC to be pushed into sprung contacts which then grip by friction. For an IC with hundreds of pins, the total insertion force can be very large (tens of newtons), leading to a danger of damage to the device or the PCB. Also even with relatively small pin counts each extraction is fairly awkward and carries a significant risk of bending pins (particularly if the person performing the extraction hasn't had much practice or the board is crowded). Low insertion force (LIF) sockets reduce the issues of insertion and extraction but the lower the insertion force of a conventional socket, the less reliable the connection is likely to be.
With a ZIF socket, before the IC is inserted, a lever or slider on the side of the socket is moved, pushing all the sprung contacts apart so that the IC can be inserted with very little force (generally the weight of the IC itself is sufficient with no external downward force required). The lever is then moved back, allowing the contacts to close and grip the pins of the IC. ZIF sockets are much more expensive than standard IC sockets and also tend to take up a larger board area due to the space taken up by the mechanism. Therefore they are only used when there is a good reason to do so.


ZLM Posted - 02/28/2010 : 09:00:14
When you select a chip fro mthe software. The software will show how the chip sould be insert into the ZIF socket.
The pin 1 of chip is toward the ZIF handle.

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