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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4X software locks up (v6.38)

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TimP Posted - 04/17/2016 : 15:41:35
Having some real issues with my programmer - worked fine up until recently.

It will do any of the following:

1) Not recognize the programmer when connected.
2) message saying the programmer is busy
3) software locks up

Not a "pirate" unit as I bought it directly from MCUmall

Have removed and reinstalled both the driver and GQ Programmer software.

Any ideas?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 06/18/2019 : 03:26:11
Originally posted by bersch8688

have anyone Solution

Same problem here

Just redo the solder joints if it's the same problem or change the jack if contacts are used or broken.
bersch8688 Posted - 06/17/2019 : 22:49:37
have anyone Solution

Same problem here
anniel Posted - 05/09/2019 : 08:48:25
Originally posted by voodoop

Not yet .

That would be your next step to have a look at the solder joints of the USB.
voodoop Posted - 05/09/2019 : 06:59:54
Not yet .
anniel Posted - 05/09/2019 : 06:41:40
Originally posted by voodoop

That's why I said that a solution must be given .

Did you open it up?
voodoop Posted - 05/09/2019 : 05:57:29
That's why I said that a solution must be given .
anniel Posted - 05/09/2019 : 04:19:39
Originally posted by voodoop

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by voodoop

I have the same problem .
I see that there are many with this problem .
A resolution must be given .

You tried all the solutions?

New cables , new ports , new computers , old and new drivers .

It must be your programmer then.
voodoop Posted - 05/09/2019 : 04:14:17
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by voodoop

I have the same problem .
I see that there are many with this problem .
A resolution must be given .

You tried all the solutions?

New cables , new ports , new computers , old and new drivers .
anniel Posted - 05/09/2019 : 02:50:15
Originally posted by voodoop

I have the same problem .
I see that there are many with this problem .
A resolution must be given .

You tried all the solutions?
voodoop Posted - 05/08/2019 : 23:56:34
I have the same problem .
I see that there are many with this problem .
A resolution must be given .
ZLM Posted - 05/17/2016 : 07:30:58
Always buy genuine version programmer.
ZLM Posted - 05/05/2016 : 22:58:39
Try on another computer, if the problem still there, then something is wrong with the programmer.
TimP Posted - 05/05/2016 : 04:28:16

Yes, also tried a different USB cable and I get a similar response. :(
ZLM Posted - 04/18/2016 : 06:50:09
USB cable?
TimP Posted - 04/17/2016 : 15:43:08
Just to add, it will eventually work - but it is getting harder and hard to get to the point of it working.

Different USB ports tried as well.

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