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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 what am i doing wrong? 93c56

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freebandjunkie Posted - 06/24/2016 : 14:31:57
please help, from the beginning. i installed the drivers first then the usbprg program. the adapter im using is a " tool-013a(?) " which is suppose to allow me to program in-circuit but i cant get it to work

im running windows vista 64-bit (emulated on vmware)

what am i missing?
what am i doing wrong?

http ://
http ://
http ://
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 06/25/2016 : 11:22:45
On your clip disconnect the positive of the IC. Use an external power supply to power up your cluster.
freebandjunkie Posted - 06/25/2016 : 07:04:50
thank you so much for the pointers youve provided also, although i havent achieved my goal just yet youve me feeling very optimistic

one more question: can you elaborate on " only connecting programmer signal lines " ?
freebandjunkie Posted - 06/25/2016 : 06:58:53
well the thing is locally nobody wants to give up any ' trade secrets ' so im sort of at the mercy of the internet.

i see, so would it be a good idea to maybe buy the power cable to the gq programmer? could it be that the usb wire isn't carrying enough power?

what type of methods could i look into to power the board?

i've seen schematics to clusters and i notice they have 12v pins and a ground pin.. also i notice the cable from my test clips fit perfect on the pins on the cluster
ZLM Posted - 06/24/2016 : 23:06:27
Do you know if any other people can work this way?

The in circuit programming is tricky. If you connect the programmer direct to your board, then that mans to let programmer to power your entire board. But the programmer only be designed to power a single chip.

I know in many cases, your target board need to be powered up and then only connect programmer signal lines to the board. The target chip should be powered by the board, not the programmer.
freebandjunkie Posted - 06/24/2016 : 22:21:49
im getting

ID check skipped
Reading... Buffer
Elapsed time: 0.13 seconds
Read completed.

but its not pulling any info from the chip. the buffer tab is blank no data filled in. i tried all the different speeds also and still nothing
ZLM Posted - 06/24/2016 : 21:06:15
Try to read it with S93C66D, and see what happens.
freebandjunkie Posted - 06/24/2016 : 20:55:32
okay now its recognizing the programmer.. my chip says " S93C6 6DV42 6197 " how do i find this device? when i begin typing it into the search it only brings up " S93C66D "

thanks for the help
ZLM Posted - 06/24/2016 : 20:13:08
Your software is a wrong version.

Download the latest software 7.09 from following link:
freebandjunkie Posted - 06/24/2016 : 16:00:28
provider cypress
date 6/22/2015
anniel Posted - 06/24/2016 : 15:58:12
What is the version of the driver and software?

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