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 Linux version of GQ-4X software?

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justniz Posted - 02/11/2016 : 11:29:28
Please make a linux version of the software for GQ-4X !!!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 01/14/2020 : 05:50:23
Originally posted by Tom Stock

Thats interesting. I did email MCUMall today and was told there is a linux and mac version, but I haven't any details.

So far I can't get my new 4x4 to work under VirtualBox on my Mac even though the driver is installed and working.
Tom Stock Posted - 01/13/2020 : 21:41:35
Thats interesting. I did email MCUMall today and was told there is a linux and mac version, but I haven't any details.

So far I can't get my new 4x4 to work under VirtualBox on my Mac even though the driver is installed and working.
anniel Posted - 01/13/2020 : 06:11:32
Originally posted by Tom Stock

Originally posted by SpeedD408

I'm evaluating leaving Windows 10 and going to Linux.

The software should work fine in virtualbox as long as you install the os extensions and remember to add a USB 2.0 device in the advanced options for the machine settings.

I'm running the software for a TL8676II on a Mac in an XPSP3 virtual box, although there is also a linux/mac open source (bare bones) project which works fine for that programmer.

I haven't received my GQ04X4 yet, but was not happy to see no Linux or mac software available. I almost cancelled the order but figured I'd give it a try in a virtual machine. I absolutely hate having to use a virtual machine but the pain of a virtual machine for one task is less paint than windows for every task.

Problem with this approach is you need a $125 windows license for this one program unless you find an old copy of XP with serial. Luckily I already had one set up for the TL866II.

There is a Linux version for the GQ-5X.
anniel Posted - 01/13/2020 : 06:07:29
Originally posted by Tom Stock

Originally posted by SpeedD408

I'm evaluating leaving Windows 10 and going to Linux.

The software should work fine in virtualbox as long as you install the os extensions and remember to add a USB 2.0 device in the advanced options for the machine settings.

I'm running the software for a TL8676II on a Mac in an XPSP3 virtual box, although there is also a linux/mac open source (bare bones) project which works fine for that programmer.

I haven't received my GQ04X4 yet, but was not happy to see no Linux or mac software available. I almost cancelled the order but figured I'd give it a try in a virtual machine. I absolutely hate having to use a virtual machine but the pain of a virtual machine for one task is less paint than windows for every task.

Problem with this approach is you need a $125 windows license for this one program unless you find an old copy of XP with serial. Luckily I already had one set up for the TL866II.

It should work.
Tom Stock Posted - 01/12/2020 : 16:15:21
Originally posted by SpeedD408

I'm evaluating leaving Windows 10 and going to Linux.

The software should work fine in virtualbox as long as you install the os extensions and remember to add a USB 2.0 device in the advanced options for the machine settings.

I'm running the software for a TL8676II on a Mac in an XPSP3 virtual box, although there is also a linux/mac open source (bare bones) project which works fine for that programmer.

I haven't received my GQ04X4 yet, but was not happy to see no Linux or mac software available. I almost cancelled the order but figured I'd give it a try in a virtual machine. I absolutely hate having to use a virtual machine but the pain of a virtual machine for one task is less paint than windows for every task.

Problem with this approach is you need a $125 windows license for this one program unless you find an old copy of XP with serial. Luckily I already had one set up for the TL866II.

anniel Posted - 04/11/2019 : 13:51:27
Originally posted by SpeedD408

I'm evaluating leaving Windows 10 and going to Linux. I just installed Pop_OS, a Debian/Umbuntu based Linux and so far it is doing very well. This is one of the programs that may force me to get a cheep laptop to run Win10 and just store it with the burner if there is no hope for a Linux port. I would think this would be on the road map some place as MacOS is FreeBSD based and therefore very Linux like so doing a Linux or MacOS version would lead to the other very easily. I don't need, nor do I care if you open source your product. It's your product and you can close or open it if you wish. I have an nVidia graphics card and run the closed source bin. I just want the best computing experience I can get and I'm getting tired of MS Windows bloat. In my opinion, the last good computer Apple produced was the 65C816 based IIgs. :) I have an older Macbook Pro running 10.13.6 as I needed one program (applesauce), though they are working on a Linux port of that as well. I'm down to about 3 programs at this point keeping me on Windows and I hope that a port will occur or a Windows VM will work.

I suppose you could run a VM.
SpeedD408 Posted - 04/11/2019 : 12:07:01
I'm evaluating leaving Windows 10 and going to Linux. I just installed Pop_OS, a Debian/Umbuntu based Linux and so far it is doing very well. This is one of the programs that may force me to get a cheep laptop to run Win10 and just store it with the burner if there is no hope for a Linux port. I would think this would be on the road map some place as MacOS is FreeBSD based and therefore very Linux like so doing a Linux or MacOS version would lead to the other very easily. I don't need, nor do I care if you open source your product. It's your product and you can close or open it if you wish. I have an nVidia graphics card and run the closed source bin. I just want the best computing experience I can get and I'm getting tired of MS Windows bloat. In my opinion, the last good computer Apple produced was the 65C816 based IIgs. :) I have an older Macbook Pro running 10.13.6 as I needed one program (applesauce), though they are working on a Linux port of that as well. I'm down to about 3 programs at this point keeping me on Windows and I hope that a port will occur or a Windows VM will work.
anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 04:46:36
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by justniz

Please make a linux version of the software for GQ-4X !!!

What benefit would that bring?

None, and dont forget the Linux crowd likes to modify and tweak software so they'll end up with a hand full of incompatible GQ-4X software distros.

Yes a hand full of GQ-4X software distros, like Linux.
anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 04:45:59
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by justniz

Please make a linux version of the software for GQ-4X !!!


I also wonder why.
supervizeur Posted - 08/03/2017 : 06:05:36
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by justniz

Please make a linux version of the software for GQ-4X !!!

What benefit would that bring?

None, and dont forget the Linux crowd likes to modify and tweak software so they'll end up with a hand full of incompatible GQ-4X software distros.
supervizeur Posted - 08/03/2017 : 05:58:48
Originally posted by justniz

Please make a linux version of the software for GQ-4X !!!

anniel Posted - 07/15/2017 : 06:06:04
Originally posted by justniz

Please make a linux version of the software for GQ-4X !!!

What benefit would that bring?
Leonartisan Posted - 06/11/2017 : 13:37:05
I support this!

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