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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4X defective for Eproms requiring 21V Vpp

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rgy834 Posted - 09/25/2013 : 01:42:58
Hi, I've got a GQ-4X programmer, that causes some trouble since recently...

I can use following EPROMs troublefree: 27128A, M27128A, AM27C256 (that require 12V Vpp), whereas 2532A and M5L27128, which require 21V Vpp, cannot be writen... In these latter cases, after selecting the device, I am prompted or recommanded to connect an external power supply (though such a PSU is connected....)
Every attempt to launch a Blank Check, Write & Verify sequence is followed by an error message, (Write failed, Address=.0x000000 Buffer=0x00 Devive=0xFF) and the sequence is stopped as soon as the first byte is to be written.

I've opened the programmer and tested the Vpp (pin 21) of a TMS2532A-45JL, but it reads 12,7V only during the write sequence. It looks like the 21V required voltage is not generated.

Any help to solve that issue will be greatly appreciated.....

Thanks in advance,

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anniel Posted - 10/10/2018 : 03:46:40
Originally posted by K17

Here is the procedure I use, which seems to work for me:

1. Plugin the GQ-4x programmer into the USB port, and listen for double-beep
2. Plugin an external 9v power supply
3. Start the GQ USB Programmer Software
4. Set device to "TMS2532A(READ ONLY)"
Note: This will set the Vpp to 21v instead of 25v
Do not use 2532 devices (without the "A") at 25v as they will fry the chip forever
5. Set the Speed to lowest value (-2)
6. Select Write, Verify and Double-Write
7. Load your bin file
8. Click the Write button (it will write twice, and then verify)

Thank you for sharing the detailed procedure you followed.
K17 Posted - 10/09/2018 : 20:48:59
Here is the procedure I use, which seems to work for me:

1. Plugin the GQ-4x programmer into the USB port, and listen for double-beep
2. Plugin an external 9v power supply
3. Start the GQ USB Programmer Software
4. Set device to "TMS2532A(READ ONLY)"
Note: This will set the Vpp to 21v instead of 25v
Do not use 2532 devices (without the "A") at 25v as they will fry the chip forever
5. Set the Speed to lowest value (-2)
6. Select Write, Verify and Double-Write
7. Load your bin file
8. Click the Write button (it will write twice, and then verify)
rgy834 Posted - 10/06/2013 : 12:26:24
As I'm still stuck with 3 different TMS2532A-45JL that cannot be writen, I'll try to get them burned by s'one else, with another device.....

Thanks anyway, ZLM & Bad Ad84, for your assistance.
ZLM Posted - 10/05/2013 : 08:32:38
The plus/minus value is not important as long as it passed the test. It is the deviation value at the testing point. It will pass the test if it within the tolarance.
rgy834 Posted - 10/03/2013 : 05:11:28
Any further hint?
rgy834 Posted - 09/28/2013 : 12:24:07
Hi all,

Tnx for the answers...javascript:insertsmilie('')

The 'devices'txt' shows correct values for the Eproms that I intend to use; please see below excerpts for the 2532:

Name="TMS2532A(Read Only)",ID="XXXX",Class="2532 (25V Vpp)",
WVCC="5.5V",WVPP="21V",Category="EPROM",MFG="TI",Message="External power recommended.";

Name="TMS2532JL",ID="XXXX",Class="2532 (25V Vpp)",
WVCC="5.5V",WVPP="25V",Category="EPROM",MFG="TI",Message="Apply external power.";

Regarding the H/W test, I did the voltage tests previously to my posts, nothing obviously wrong could be noticed at that time as all tests have been passed....

But looking more sharply at it after your answer, I can notice some codes that differ, and also some plus/minus discrepancies, as show below:

* Testing VCC Without Load *
Test WITHOUT PSU connected / / Test WITH PSU connected

VCC 3.6V test passed (code:0x5)+ / / VCC 3.6V test passed (code:0x11)+
VCC 5V test passed (code:0xb)+ / / VCC 5V test passed (code:0xb)+
VCC 5.5V test passed (code:0x7)+ / / VCC 5.5V test passed (code:0x8)+
VCC 6.2V test passed (code:0x3)+ / / VCC 6.2V test passed (code:0xd)+
VCC 6.5V test passed (code:0x0)- / / VCC 6.5V test passed (code:0x3)+

* Testing VPP Without Load *
Test WITHOUT PSU connected / / Test WITH PSU connected

VPP 3.6V/5V test passed (code:0x8)- / / VPP 3.6V/5V test passed (code:0x5)-
VPP 12V test passed (code:0xa)+ / / VPP 12V test passed (code:0x9)+
VPP 12.7V test passed (code:0x9)+ / / VPP 12.7V test passed (code:0x11)+
VPP 15V test passed (code:0x6)+ / / VPP 15V test passed (code:0x6)+
VPP 21V test passed (code:0x5)- / / VPP 21V test passed (code:0x2)-
VPP 25V test passed (code:0x5)+ / / VPP 25V test passed (code:0xa)+

* Test Completed *
Please note that these plus/minus discrepancies are not always the same, as I could notice when I did another voltage comparison....There were three "minus" signs for 15, 21 & 25v,without the PSU connected.....A last test showed again different values, so these signs may not really matter.... javascript:insertsmilie('')

Just as a reminder: I used that programmer in the past, with the same Eproms, troublefree.....

ZLM Posted - 09/28/2013 : 08:02:34
use software voltage diagnostic menu to see if any hardware voltage out.

From software menu Test H/W -> Voltage Diagnostic.
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 09/28/2013 : 07:41:29
Check the devices.txt as you can specify the Vpp within this file
rgy834 Posted - 09/26/2013 : 23:28:53
By chance, does anyone have a diagram available for that progammer?
It would help me to make some basic investigations.

rgy834 Posted - 09/25/2013 : 13:03:44
Off course! And it didn't help.....
Bad_Ad84 Posted - 09/25/2013 : 11:52:50
Did you connect a power supply, like it recommends?

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