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 AT49F040 & AT29C020 Tsop32

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Fabian_12345 Posted - 10/22/2015 : 05:29:19
Hello I wanted to check the following.
I have to read a flash memory and AT29C020-90TI AT49F040-12TI both in encapsuloado 32T of 20x8mm.
I have the GQ-X4
and ADP-077 ZIF socket.
First buy the ADP-073, I did not work, then buy the ADP-071 TSOP32 Tsop40 FWH / LPC + v2.
Taste with that and there is no case, what is the solution, I need to solve the problem, and in Argentina nobody works with that.
Would need to solve ..
PD. buy all this a few weeks ago here is very expensive and I can not get a solution.
Thank you.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 10/27/2015 : 13:06:01
what is your GQ-4X software version?
Fabian_12345 Posted - 10/27/2015 : 11:44:03
[quote]Originally posted by Fabian_12345

Hello I wanted to check the following.
I have to read a flash memory and AT29C020-90TI AT49F040-12TI both in encapsuloado 32T of 20x8mm.
I have the GQ-X4
and ADP-077 ZIF socket.

I commented that solved the problem.
I made a homemade adapter for my ADP-077, just had to rotate the legs as shown in hoha AT49F040 data,
But it is best that I did not work my new Canadian GQ-x4 I just bought.
apparently it's a problem of soft, because I read several reports of different types,
eprom some other type 27C64 EEPROM ultraviolet erasure, a pair of PIC and all lei smoothly.
Use the programmer Willem EPROM (0,97ja)
Thanks Fabian.
LME PD alludo an Argentine I found on this forum is called Osvaldo, not his name
ZLM Posted - 10/22/2015 : 07:23:07
what version software you are using?
What is your exact problem?

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