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 Winbond Write Issues

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fritolays Posted - 01/04/2020 : 13:38:19
So I have a GQ-4x4 and W25X41CLNIG from which I can read with no problems.

However, when I try to write the bin to a new W25X41CLNIG, it looks like it writes but always fails the verification.

I've tried every speed setting with no luck.

The devices.txt has a few entries for the W25X40 they do not work.
Also seems like its just listing an adapter, no real difference.

Name="W25X40VSSIG",ID="EF3013",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="524288", Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Name="W25X40*SOIC8",ID="EF3013",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="524288", Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Looking online:

I see no reason why it should not work...
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 01/06/2020 : 09:50:53
Originally posted by noStuff

Originally posted by anniel
Did you get your ADP-056?

Not yet. The ADP-056 will arrive by the end of this month or next.

By mail I guess.
noStuff Posted - 01/06/2020 : 07:23:38
Originally posted by anniel
Did you get your ADP-056?

Not yet. The ADP-056 will arrive by the end of this month or next.
anniel Posted - 01/06/2020 : 05:27:10
Originally posted by noStuff

Originally posted by fritolays

Originally posted by annielW25X40 and W25Q128 is not the same.

Yup I know, I was referring to the W25X40.

Just mentioned the W25Q128 as it is a Winbond chip and looking at the devices.txt seems to mostly use the same settings.

Name="W25Q128FVSIG",ID="EF4018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Name="W25X40VSSIG",ID="EF3013",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="524288", Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Both use the same class (flashing algorithm) and voltages; just code size differ...

fritolays, save the headache for later:
if it doesn't work chance are the programmer has some faulty line (wrong capacitance on the filtering capacitor).
If you just bought it exchange it for a new one, something might change for the better or the worse.

Did you get your ADP-056?
fritolays Posted - 01/05/2020 : 13:43:28
What a waste of time...
noStuff Posted - 01/05/2020 : 13:04:08
Originally posted by fritolays

Originally posted by annielW25X40 and W25Q128 is not the same.

Yup I know, I was referring to the W25X40.

Just mentioned the W25Q128 as it is a Winbond chip and looking at the devices.txt seems to mostly use the same settings.

Name="W25Q128FVSIG",ID="EF4018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Name="W25X40VSSIG",ID="EF3013",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="524288", Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Both use the same class (flashing algorithm) and voltages; just code size differ...

fritolays, save the headache for later:
if it doesn't work chance are the programmer has some faulty line (wrong capacitance on the filtering capacitor).
If you just bought it exchange it for a new one, something might change for the better or the worse.
fritolays Posted - 01/05/2020 : 12:30:19
Originally posted by annielW25X40 and W25Q128 is not the same.

Yup I know, I was referring to the W25X40.

Just mentioned the W25Q128 as it is a Winbond chip and looking at the devices.txt seems to mostly use the same settings.

Name="W25Q128FVSIG",ID="EF4018",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="16777216",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Name="W25X40VSSIG",ID="EF3013",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="524288", Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Both use the same class (flashing algorithm) and voltages; just code size differ...
anniel Posted - 01/05/2020 : 12:03:47
Originally posted by fritolays

Originally posted by anniel
Which device definition are you using?

I've tried the 3 listed above at all speeds, but they are all the same ID and Class so really are no different.

W25X40 and W25Q128 is not the same.
fritolays Posted - 01/05/2020 : 09:25:56
Originally posted by anniel
Which device definition are you using?

I've tried the 3 listed above at all speeds, but they are all the same ID and Class so really are no different.
anniel Posted - 01/05/2020 : 08:41:11
Originally posted by fritolays

Originally posted by anniel
What adapter are you using?

ADP-004 as its a 150mil pack.
Also tried with test clips as well.

I tested a W25Q128FVIQ and can read and write without issue.

Which device definition are you using?
fritolays Posted - 01/05/2020 : 07:19:50
Originally posted by anniel
What adapter are you using?

ADP-004 as its a 150mil pack.
Also tried with test clips as well.

I tested a W25Q128FVIQ and can read and write without issue.
anniel Posted - 01/05/2020 : 06:11:58
Originally posted by fritolays

Havent found one yet..

But I did find a W25X40CLNIG, to which I cannot write either...

What adapter are you using?
fritolays Posted - 01/04/2020 : 19:53:44
Havent found one yet..

But I did find a W25X40CLNIG, to which I cannot write either...
anniel Posted - 01/04/2020 : 18:24:30
Originally posted by fritolays

So I have a GQ-4x4 and W25X41CLNIG from which I can read with no problems.

However, when I try to write the bin to a new W25X41CLNIG, it looks like it writes but always fails the verification.

I've tried every speed setting with no luck.

The devices.txt has a few entries for the W25X40 they do not work.
Also seems like its just listing an adapter, no real difference.

Name="W25X40VSSIG",ID="EF3013",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="524288", Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Name="W25X40*SOIC8",ID="EF3013",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="524288", Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter";

Looking online:

I see no reason why it should not work...

Datasheet for the W25X41CLNIG?

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