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 Tsop48 29f016

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Icelvlan8866 Posted - 03/28/2020 : 12:24:46

Trying to program a tsop48 29f016.

Does someone know the code I need to enter in the device file?

I'm getting a consistent ID and am able to read. When I write, it does write some stuff, but gives me an error at the end. This is on -2.


This is what I put in so far.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/09/2020 : 12:35:43
Originally posted by Icelvlan8866


Can you clarify this?

Try Fill Buffer Hex, Write and Read. Change the hex in buffer and write?

Yes. Use the menu option "Fill Buffer Hex".
Icelvlan8866 Posted - 04/09/2020 : 12:01:35

Can you clarify this?

Try Fill Buffer Hex, Write and Read. Change the hex in buffer and write?
anniel Posted - 04/08/2020 : 11:41:01
Originally posted by Icelvlan8866


anniel Posted - 04/08/2020 : 11:40:34
Originally posted by Icelvlan8866

I also tried to bend back pin 1,2,23,24,25,26,47,48 so that they don't make contact with the adapter and they are th exact same pinout as 29f016 tsop40 and still nothing.

When I try to erase, it says "Erase failed, function not supported on device or the chip does not need erase. But I can see there is something on it when reading.

Try Fill Buffer Hex, Write and Read.
anniel Posted - 04/08/2020 : 11:40:26
Originally posted by Icelvlan8866


Trying to program a tsop48 29f016.

Does someone know the code I need to enter in the device file?

I'm getting a consistent ID and am able to read. When I write, it does write some stuff, but gives me an error at the end. This is on -2.


This is what I put in so far.

When you read the data is it correct?
Icelvlan8866 Posted - 04/07/2020 : 17:57:04
Icelvlan8866 Posted - 03/28/2020 : 12:56:54
I also tried to bend back pin 1,2,23,24,25,26,47,48 so that they don't make contact with the adapter and they are th exact same pinout as 29f016 tsop40 and still nothing.

When I try to erase, it says "Erase failed, function not supported on device or the chip does not need erase. But I can see there is something on it when reading.

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